Page 78 of Unmasked

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A murmur went through the crowd.“If you catch your sub before you’re caught by any supernatural creatures, then you win.”

“And if we don’t?”Gabriel asked.

“Then the Dominant will have to make a sacrifice of their sub’s choosing,” Sierra said.A knock sounded.“All right.You have forty-five minutes.”

Sierra threw the door open.

Logan followed the group of men out.

“What the hell?”Max stopped in his tracks.

Logan almost started laughing.The women had not only decorated the garden hedges with spider webs and fake spiders, there were fairy lights hanging everywhere and the bushes were rustling.

“I’d hurry, gentlemen, before some of the creatures come hunting you.”

Max grabbed Sierra by the waist.“I claim my prize,” he announced.

Several men rushed into the maze.Logan waited a minute until the rush was done to start his search for Ellie.How hard could it be?

* * * *

“Five minutes,” Sierra’s voice came over the loud speaker.

Logan shook his head.He’d seen a few of the subs captured by their Doms, but many of the Doms had fallen to creatures of the night.Ellie had an advantage since she was in on the planning, but the other subs had also been in on the planning.

Turning a corner, Logan found himself at a dead end.The maze shouldn’t be that hard, yet he couldn’t find his Ellie.He froze.His.Yes, Ellie was his.With determination, he retraced his steps.

He heard laughter ahead.Was that Ellie?He wasn’t sure.Another dead end.“Two minutes.”Logan shook his head, starting back the way he came, and ran into a witch.

“Now I’ve got you, Sir.”A rope was thrown around him, pinning his arms to his sides.“My prize.”

Logan stared at Ellie.“How the heck…”

She tugged on the rope and walked him out of the maze, and the other men groaned.

“Another one bites the dust,” Damon commented.

“Who’s missing?”Sierra asked.

“Lara, Colby, Regina, and Dane.”

“We’re here.I’ve got my prize,” Dane said, walking out with Regina in his arms.

“Time’s up,” Sierra yelled.

“Lara, come out,” Colby called.

A giggle sounded behind Logan, and he turned to see Lara standing there, grinning like the Cheshire cat.How had she snuck up behind him?

“Lara,” Colby yelled again.

“Make your way to the front, Colby,” Sierra commented.

After a few minutes, Colby emerged, looking disheveled and a little upset.“Sierra, where is she?”

“I’m right here.”Lara ran out from behind Logan and into Colby’s arms.

“Minx.”Colby lifted her into the air.
