Page 87 of Unmasked

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Nodding, she and the group trooped to the waiting room Ellie remembered from the first time she was here.That seemed so long ago now.A few minutes later, another woman and her family, along with Nate and another officer joined them.Ellie should go talk to them, but she couldn’t.Her brain and heart were frozen in time.All she could do was wait to hear and pray that Logan made it through.

Ellie paced, unable to be still for even one moment or she’d start to cry and never stop.She needed to know what had happened.When Brady walked into the room, his face was grim.Ellie grabbed Sierra’s hand.

“All three officers are in surgery.They wouldn’t give me much more than that.Everything was still pretty chaotic.”

Surgery?Was it serious?Ellie couldn’t breathe.

“Sit.Head between legs.”She was pushed onto a chair and her head forced down.“Breathe, Ellie.”

“Ellie.”Someone squatted in front of her, holding her arms, rubbing them up and down, comforting.“Do not expect the worst.Logan is strong, and he has you to live for,” Max said.

“I know,” she whispered.“But what if…”

Max squeezed her arms, gentle pressure, grounding her.“There is no what if.You have to believe in him and your love for each other.”

Ellie brought her head up.“How do you know Logan loves me?”

He smiled.“It’s obvious to us.We’ve all been there.”Max waved his hand at the others standing around her.“You both may not have admitted it yet, but we see it.”

Ellie’s eyes filled with tears.“You are the best adopted family a woman could have.”

“I can’t ask Logan’s permission at the moment, but screw the rules,” Max muttered, pulling her into his arms.“Just hold on to us, Ellie, and we’ll get you through this.”

* * * *

Two hours passed at a snail’s pace.Damon ran out and got everyone food and coffee, but Ellie couldn’t eat.She did drink some water.The other women refused food as well, but everyone thanked Damon.

Finally, a doctor walked in.He looked startled at all the people in the room.“I’m looking for Mrs.Adams.”

The other woman stood up, and without thought, Ellie moved toward her.Mrs.Adams glanced at Ellie and then held her hand out.Ellie clutched it tight, almost afraid to breathe.

“I’m sorry, Mrs.Adams.”That was all the doctor got out before Mrs.Adams screamed.Ellie didn’t even think.She pulled the woman into her arms.

Oh, God.Oh, God.My worst nightmare is happening.

“I’m so sorry,” Ellie said over and over again, so hurt for this woman she didn’t know.So scared for herself.They clung to each other, both mired in the same hell.

Others in Mrs.Adams’ family gathered close, and Ellie relinquished her hold and stepped back.She couldn’t move, couldn’t think.The ringing in her ears overwhelmed everything, and she clutched her head, trying to get it to stop.

Brady quietly conferred with the doctor.She should join him, demand answers, but Ellie couldn’t move.Her heart broke for the other woman, for herself.

Please, Logan.Please live.You have to.I need you to know how desperately I love you.I can’t live without you.Please, please, please.Live.

Another cry was heard down the hall.Ellie closed her eyes and sank down onto the chair.Logan had to be okay.He loved her.She loved him.He was careful; he told her that.He always wore his vest.She repeated those words over and over again.

Brady rejoined the group.“Nothing on Logan yet; he’s still in surgery,” Brady said softly.

The other family huddled in the corner, then they began to leave.

“Excuse me,” a woman said.

Ellie looked up to find a young woman standing in front of her.She squatted and reached for Ellie’s hands.“I wanted to thank you.”She looked around.“To thank all of you, not only for the food but for the support.”

“You’re more than welcome,” Damon said.

“We’re taking Mom home to rest.”

Ellie scrambled in her purse and pulled out her business card.“Please call me if you need anything.I’d—” Her voice broke.“I’d like to help and to be there.”
