Page 90 of Unmasked

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“Will I be able to return to duty?”Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ellie stiffen.

“I don’t see why not, as long as there isn’t lasting damage, and I don’t see anything at this point.Is there anything else?”

Logan shook his head, and the doctor looked at Ellie.“Thank you for saving his life,” she said.

The doctor smiled and nodded, then left the room.

“Come here.”Logan held his hand out.

“Bossy,” she muttered but pulled the chair next to the bed and placed her hand in his.

Logan took her hand and raised it to his lips.“I’m glad you’re here.”

“I wouldn’t be anywhere else.”

He started to grin, but yawned instead.

“Rest,” she said.“We have time.”

Logan wanted to argue with her, but his eyes were already closing.“Stay,” he whispered.

“I’m not going anywhere, my love.”

My love.Those two words warmed his heart as he fell asleep.

* * * *

Logan opened his eyes.The chair where Ellie had been sitting was empty.“Ellie,” he yelled.She couldn’t have left him.He couldn’t take it.

“Easy, Logan.”Her voice came from across the room.“I was just in the bathroom.”

“Come here.”His voice was rough and dry, but he didn’t care.He needed her close.

“Settle down.”She retook her seat and held a straw to his lips.He drank, the cool water soothing his throat.

“Thank you.”

“There is no need to get riled up.”

“I was afraid you’d left.”

“Not happening.”She smiled.“I think you’re stuck with me.”

“That’s good.”His fingers tangled with hers.“I love you, Ellie.”He wanted to tell her again.

“So you’ve said.I love you too.”

Logan groaned, and Ellie reached for the call button.“I’ll get the nurse.”

“No.I’m fine.”He squeezed her fingers.“I want to pull you into my arms and kiss you silly, but I really can’t.”

Ellie chuckled, and Logan glared at her.

“Take it easy, mister big bad Dom.”Her voice was soft.“We’ll have plenty of time to kiss when you come home.”

“When did you figure out you loved me?”He had been surprised when she said those words the first time.Now that she said them again, he needed to know.

“A while ago, even though I never really admitted it to myself.But after a heart-to-heart talk with Tessa and Sierra, I knew just how much I loved you and didn’t want to let you go.”
