Page 31 of Illusion of Loving

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The morning after, I woke up with breakfast set on the table in the suite. There was a note on the table.

Good morning, Taurus. I had to leave early, but I know you’ll do great. See you at the show.


I shake my head with excitement. What is my life right now?! It’s just too good to be true, I keep waiting for the other heel to plummet.

Later, I met up with Bryn and the models to help them get whatever they need for the show. I could see the models going out and starting. I peer over the crowd for any familiar famous faces. I see a couple of famous musicians and actors, and then I see a man with a Stefano Ricci suit sitting next to…my mother?!

Chapter 9


20 Years Ago

“Daddy! Look!” A butterfly landed on my seven-year-old hand. My dad's eyes widen as he looks at my hand. “It’s a white butterfly…” I whisper.

“You must be a very lucky girl then.” Dad gleams. “White butterflies are a sign of good luck.”


In what world does my mother spend her time at fashion week with a man who owns a suit costing up to thousands of dollars?! Did she follow me here? No, she couldn’t have known I would be here.

“What’s wrong?” Skylar asks as I help him with his outfit.

I put on the biggest fakest smile I could muster and shake my head, “Nothing, just excited about today. You’re going to kill it.” I reassure him.

My mother is here.




Yes, sitting next to some guy. I don’t recognize him. Can you spot them?



I won’t help her infiltrate her daughter’s life, so she has decided to infiltrate mine. The man sitting next to her is my friend, Foster Harris. He must have told her I would be here and probably assumed I would bring Taurus, but why be foolish enough to let yourself be caught so soon? Maybe she didn’t think I would bring Taurus? This woman is incredibly confusing, and I can’t underestimate her.

Do you want to cut the day short? We don’t have to be here.


No, I'm not going to let her bully me out of taking part in something as amazing as this.


I smile at my phone. Taurus is a capable woman who doesn’t need me to coddle her. She has proven to be resilient at every turn.

The rest of the show proved to be the same old revisited designs. Although, the look on Taurus’s face as she watched the models walking down in our collection was priceless. This truly is her passion, and I can see it. Her joy illuminates the room, how could Greyson give this up?

Taurus tried to ignore the fact that her mother was in New York, and we finally went to dinner after the show.
