Page 48 of Illusion of Loving

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Foster smirks curiously. “I’m intrigued…”

“She’s my girlfriend's mother and has been a nuisance. If you must know.” I explain.


I run my fingers through my hair and fix my suit jacket. “That’s the only part that stuck with you.” I scratch the side of my head.

“What is she like? Can I see a picture of her?” He begs.

It didn’t even cross my mind that I don’t have any pictures of Taurus on my phone. I’m not one for pictures, but I don’t have any. I’ll make sure to take photos of her.

“No, but I’ll try to introduce you soon. Back to business.”


Ms. Young made us tea while she started asking me how I liked working at Young Ensemble.

“What is your dream? Your passion?” She inquires.

To be a designer of course and to work at Young Ensemble. “I am already doing my dream, Ms. Young,” I explain.

“Is that all that you see for yourself?” She continues.

My head cocks to the side in confusion, “What do you mean?”

She pours the tea into a teacup and places it in front of me, “I have seen your sketches. Would you not want to open a business of your own? You have the talent, yes you need more time to refine your skills, which you will cultivate at Young Ensemble, but you can do much more. Build your name. I say this as a woman who knows better than to collaborate with a huge corporation, which is not your own.”

Quit Young Ensemble? I couldn’t even imagine that. I adore my job and learning from Bryn and everyone else. I could see myself at this company for a lengthy time. “Ms. Young, I appreciate your guidance, but I’m not looking to run a business. I just want to be an established designer.”

“If you ever change your mind, here is my phone number. I just would hate for your talents to be overlooked.” She sighs, “I have to confess that I miss design, but running a business is overwhelming and I just don’t have the patience for it any longer.” Ms. Young admits.

I take a sip of my tea, “I’m sure. You were incredibly young as well at the time. I couldn’t imagine the battles you had to go through just to build your name.”

She does the same. “The battles are worth it. Even if Young Ensemble shuts down today, what I have left behind is something I will always be proud of. The lives you’ve changed, the people who grow with you, and most importantly the differences you make within your community are something special.”

I understand her view a bit more now and she’s right. Design is my passion but making long-lasting differences for others is something that everyone should aspire to strive for when working on their art.

Ms. Young turns on the television and Ru’s interview from today is being replayed again.

“We have been talking Young Ensemble to death. Why don’t you tell us a little more about yourself? You have been in the public eye for more than just a CEO. You were quite the party boy for most of your youth...” The interviewer goes on.

“We all grow up eventually.” He answers collectively.

“Nothing new witha bachelorlike yourself? I'm sure women are lining up at your door.” The interview exaggerates her laugh crudely.

Ru’s calm composure never wavers, and he continues by saying, “My personal life is private, let’s move on from the topic.”

I couldn’t imagine being in his position having to do pointless interviews like that. Having your life on display for the world. Having everyone be able to nitpick at your every action.

Ms. Young left soon after finishing her tea and I was left with my thoughts as I lie in Ru’s bed and inhale his scent. My eyes drift into a deep sleep.

The cool air wakes me hours later, but the sun is still not up. It's completely dark outside. I pick up my phone to look at the time and realize that it’s only three in the morning. I try to fall back asleep but to no avail I find myself staring at the ceiling and wondering if the path that Ms. Young talked about would be a new path to strive for.

I hear a door opening and I instantly grab the closest thing to me, which is this paperweight-looking item. I stand close to the wall, with my heart pounding in my chest and wait for any sound. I hear footsteps getting closer to me. When the sound gets closer to Ru’s door, I wait for the door to open so I can beat whatever it is with this paperweight.

Slowly, I see Ru come into the room and I lower the paperweight. “I almost killed you.” I huff.

Ru is half asleep, he turns slowly and looks at me with furrowed brows. “What are you doing up?” He yawns.
