Page 70 of Illusion of Loving

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What is she scheming?

My phone vibrates again and this time it’s my lawyer, Zola. “Yes?” I answer.

Zola clears his throat before speaking, “The police have reopened the arson case.”

“Any suspects?” I ask.

“No, but all eyes are on Greyson. He’s the ex of course he is number one on the list.” Zola goes on.

So why the fuck is a cop looking for him? “Please let me know if anything changes.”

“Will do.” He answers.

I sit down and think about the kind of person that I believe my son to be. In the end, I’m not sure what I even know about my son. What are you doing Greyson? What is going on in your head right now? Will it always be like this between us?

I have a meeting early in the morning and dread every single minute of it. I wait for the day that life could be simpler. My father has the right to it. For half of my life, my father work to get my mother everything he ever could, then made enough money so that he could live the rest of his life raising his son and tending to his wife after she got off of work. I could see myself doing the same. Saving up enough money so that I never have to worry about running a business ever again. Then staying home with my kids. Watching as my wife takes on the entire world. To be there to cheer her on at every event. Then spoil her rotten with the remainder of the day.

I am a billionaire with all the money in the world, but you can’t buy your picture-perfect family. That is something you have to earn on your own. In my perfect world, my son doesn’t look at me like I’m some fucker who stole his girl, but here I am. A good father would say that he wishes he never met Taurus, but a good man would say that he’s glad such an amazing woman came into his path. At the end of the day, which one am I? Is there a world in which I could be both? I don’t think so.


“Grey…” Jamie moans as she reaches out for me. Jamie was my ex from high school, the first girl I dated before Taurus. I was never in love with Jamie, but she was the girl I fucked. She is still a good fuck even now.Thinking about it, Jamie and Taurus look pretty similar. Although Jamie is slightly better looking. Taurus was always pretty and smart, perfect in bed. Waking up and seeing her look at me like I was her entire world was an incredible feeling. You could see it in the way she smiled, or even in the way she would touch my face. Her nails brushed up against my lips, her soft, plump lips kissing my neck. Her massive thighs warmed the sides of my torso.

My mind goes into a daze of fury as I wonder if she smiles athimwhen she wakes up. Is he inside her first thing in the morning? Does she look at him as if he is her entire world now? No, she can’t. She can’t just stop loving me, right? You don’t fall out of love with someone you were planning to spend your life with.

Jamie groans, “Why are you staring outside the window?”

“Because the only woman I ever loved, probably has my dad’s tongue down her throat right now.”

Jamie giggles, “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Get out,” I growl, she scoffs and gets out of bed still giggling.


I sit with the sewing machine and bind black fabric. Hours had gone by, and I realized it was two in the morning. I groan as I get up from the chair. I realized that I must be half asleep because I got the end of my shirt caught in the sewing machine. Fuck, I hope I didn’t ruin it. If I pull too hard, I might break it. The sewing machine itself is too heavy to pick up.

I call Ru’s phone and hope he’s awake. The phone is answered, but all I hear is a groan. “Hey…I’m stuck to the sewing machine.” I laugh nervously.

He chuckles for a while, “Is this your new way of flirting? You get increasingly horny in the middle of the night.”

“No.” I giggle, “I’m truly fucking stuck to the machine.”

“Oh, shit. Okay, I’m coming.” He hangs up and in seconds I can hear his footsteps.

The door opens and Ru is in sweatpants with no shirt on and his tousled dark hair falling into his face.

“Are you sure, you didn’t get ‘stuck’ on purpose?” He jokes.

“Is that your favorite porn category?” I mock.

His fingers trace my ass before moving to the side of the table. “A bit of role-playing would be fun.”

“It’s not role play if I’mactuallystuck,” I growl.

Ru smiles devilishly, “Well, we want it to be convincing, don’t we?”

What does he have in mind?
