Page 77 of Illusion of Loving

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My phone rings on the nightstand.Ru grabs it and hands it to me.I see Bryn calling and answer nervously, “Hello...?”

“Taurus, I need you to work on a design.You will be hated by everyone at work for getting this so early in the game, so prepare.” Bryn honestly explains.

Ru tries to hold in his laughter.“What is it for?” I ask.

“I’m sure you’ve heard about the entry for new designers to showcase their skills at ‘L.A.N.C.H’.”

That is an exclusive showcase. New designers can't even get in while working for good companies. “You got me a spot?” The excitement in my voice is going to annoy Bryn, but I don’t care.

“Yes, and since you represent our company, do your best.I know you’re talented. So, if you fuck up, you are doing desk work all year.” His blunt replies remind me of a tough-love parent. Bryn hangs up after that and I get a text with the details for everything.

“I’m starting to think Bryn likes you” Ru narrows light-heartedly.

I snort out a laugh, “Yeah when hell freezes, defrosts, and then freezes again.”

Ru falls back and I fall forward onto his chest.“I would love to roll around in bed with you, but Ihave toget back to the dress and you have a meeting in two hours. “

“Don’t remind me.” He groans.

“You truly do hate meetings, huh?” His eyes roll at the word itself.

He lifts me easing me off his dick and I gasp. “I do, let’s take a shower and get cleaned up. You can’t work on the dress with my cum stuck inside you.”

A small smile plays on my lips as Ru carries me in his arms. “I can walk,” I whine.

“I know, I just like carrying you close to me.” He says biting my ear softly.

Our shower together was calming. Ru sat me on his lap, facing away from him. He let the warm water fall onto my skin as he cleaned every inch of it. Whenever we have sex, Ru takes care of me and my body. He continues to show me what it feels like to be loved by him.

I lay on his bed and wrap myself in his sheets. He gives me a lustful, sweet kiss. “Please rest, for at least an hour. I know you’re still sore. Don’t push yourself too hard. You will finish the dress, but don’t kill yourself to do it.” His tone is soft and nurturing as always. He rubs my feet for a couple of minutes before he puts on his suit jacket.

“I’ll try,” I answer honestly.

Soon after he leaves the house. I lay in bed and shifted due to my sore body. It’s almost as if he doesn’t want me to finish the dress because of the way he decided to fuck me until my body was sore.

I have much to finish, the dress and now a spot at ‘L.A.N.C.H.’ From what Bryn sent me I have three months to get a design ready, which gives me time to finish Lily’s dress, pick a new home with the man of my dreams, and kill it at ‘L.A.N.C.H.’


Foster is in town so after the meeting he met me in my office. “Why don’t you just move to New York?” He suggests. “Maybe it’s time to expand Young Ensemble and open a building here.”

“Maybe; Bryn would manage fine. I could visit once a week.” I mumble to myself.

“Besides, your girl is a designer. She would probably love to move here, it’s the fashion capital of the states.” Foster pours whiskey into glasses.

That is true, Taurus would thrive here. Moving states would be for the best.

“So do I get to meet her finally?” Foster whines.

I roll my eyes, “We were going to look at houses here, but I can schedule It for New York to see if she would prefer to live there instead. We will swing by your office afterward. Let’s say three days from now.”

“Three days? What about today? Jeez, is she in witness protection?!” He laughs.

I scoff, “No, she is designing a dress and she needs to focus. I have already distracted her enough today.”

“I’m sure.” He rolls his eyes. “So, what’s it like being so domesticated?” Foster laughs taking another bit of his whiskey.

“Like I should have done it sooner. I see why my dad is always so fucking happy. I don’t regret the life I’ve lived but fuck it doesn’t even compare to one day with Taurus.”
