Page 79 of Illusion of Loving

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After a couple of minutes, Ru came back, and we headed over to Foster. We ended up at a large building named Foster. Does he own this building? So, he is a CEO like Ru.

“Welcome back, Mr. Wén. Are you paying Mr. Harris a visit?” The receptionist asks, dismissing my presence.

“Yes, I’m here with my partner today.” Ru answers. The receptionist again doesn’t make eye contact with me but says a short greeting. “Is he in his office now?” He asks.

“Yes, sir.” She nods.

Ru kissed my hand and leads me to the elevator. We go eighteen stories high and arrive at his office, overlooking New York City.

“Finally!” Foster cheers. “I was beginning to think he was hallucinating you.” He laughs.

I smile politely, but still uncomfortable about his history with my mother. “It’s nice to meet you, Foster.” I greet.

“Nice to meet you too, Taurus.” He reciprocates.

Ru guides me to sit down in the chair. “So, how do you know Ru?” I inquire.

Foster ponders for a second, “First year of college. We were both business majors who also hated being business majors. For the entirety of college, we were close. My family is from here, so I decided to stay and collaborate with them. After they passed away, I was pushed into taking over. So now I run this place. Funny enough, I love to do this.”

“I’m sure. It is a lot of work, but that’s the best part, right?” I go on.

His shoulders relax as he sits back in his desk chair. “I’m glad you share my sentiments.”

I wanted to ask him about my mother but that would be weird, right? So I went for an easier question, “Foster, are you dating anyone? We should go on double dates soon.”

I glance at the room as he glances at me. Foster clears his throat, “No, unfortunately, I’m not the dating type, but the three of us can have dinner together anytime.” He answers. Foster had another meeting for the day, so we left soon after that.

When we got in the car Ru asked, “Did you think he would say your mother?”

“Maybe, I don’t know. I mean if they still have something going on, it will put us in a bad spot.” I explain.

He nods in agreement and takes the rest of the ride to the jet.

Two Weeks Later

"You finished already?!” Lily squeals as she looks at her new couture dress.

She lifts it from the box and looks at the piece. She feels the fabric and looks up at me. “I’ll be back!” She shouts as she runs into the nearest room.

Lily’s home is spectacular. She has amazing taste in décor. I hear a squeal from the room and Lily steps out looking like she just buried her third husband.

“Taurus, this dress is amazing.” She gets out her checkbook and hands me the check. I look at it and it’s a check for $100,000.

“Um…Lily, I think you overcharged yourself.” I laugh nervously.

She shakes her head, “I didn’t. I want you to make me another two outfits. That should cover it, right?”

She just paid me thirty-three thousand for each design. I have never seen money like this. She just paid me for three months of work. I can’t even make this at a normal job in a year.

“I will also be letting people know about your work. Do you have a business card?” I dig into my clutch and give her a few. “You are going to be a busy girl this year.” She laughs softly as she puts the cards in her purse.

“Ru told me you're going to be a part of ‘L.A.N.C.H.’Redd and I will be there cheering you on.” She smiles brightly.

Today I wanted to treat Ru to a relaxing day. He had tons of meetings and I know because he kept texting me knife emojis.

I went to a few shops and bought some surprises for him. He always takes care of me, and my needs, and I just want to do that for him.

He got me a few gifts from the last time he was in New York alone and it was beautiful lingerie. I get in the shower and clean the day away. With a little lotion, a dab of perfume, a silkteddy,and matching stockings.
