Page 82 of Illusion of Loving

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Ru gets closer and warms me as he pushes his warm chest to my face. “You want to know a trick to nightmares?”

I narrow my eyes, “What’s the trick?”

“When I was a kid, I was always having nightmares. So, if I woke up with a nightmare, my mother would either tell me a story or put the tv on and let me watch something happy. Therefore, my mind was thinking of something else before I went to sleep, and I had less chance of having that nightmare again.”

“Then tell me a story, Ru,” I order playfully in mid-yawn.

He snorts out a laugh, “I’m not a good storyteller.”

“It can’t be worse than what I’m dreaming of. Go ahead.”

He clears his throat, “Okay, well once there were three brothers who decided to move into new houses. The problem was two of the houses were kind of rundown. The oldest brother was smart though, he invested his money and got a really good house. The real reason they needed to move into new houses was that there was a cannibal on the loose and they needed to make sure they had a safe place to live. The two younger brothers ended up moving in with the older brother because the older brother's house had better security and they all lived.”

I look at him in shock, “That is a horrible story. What the fuck was that?”

“Three little pigs.” He answers with the sincerest look.

I groan, “Great, now I’m going to dream about being eaten by a cannibal.”

Ru kisses my neck apologetically, “I’m sorry.”

Ru can be adorable when he wants to be and that is enough to sway my thoughts.


She wants Taurus and she won’t stop. I told my dad I would leave, but that’s not an option when Tasmin is still around. She is completely insane, the only way to manage her is to put her down for good. She can’t be arrested. She got away with burning the house down. It won’t stop there. She came to me sometime after the house burned down and asked for money. She came to my house and begged. The money she used must have been used to pay someone off to stop investigating. She used me again. I didn’t put it together until she confessed.

I call Tasmin one final time.

“Hello, puppet.” She answers.

“We need to talk.”

She softly laughs, “We should talk. Privately of course. No tricks.”

“Fine,” I answer.

She sends me the address to what I assume is her new place. I do not waste any time getting there. When I arrive,it'sin a building full of lavish apartments.Howcan she afford this?Imust not be the only guy she got money from.

As I arrive at the door, before I can even knock, she opens the door with a baby in hand.“Look, daddy’s here.”

What the fuck did she just say...

Chapter 22


“Stop fucking around,” I growl.

“Look at her, you think this child looks anything like me? I know you are oblivious, but Ididn’tthink you could be this dumb.” She laughs walking into the apartment.

I follow her inside and stare at the child.She looks exactly like me, there is no denying it. Why would she have this baby, is she insane? This would kill Taurus.I have hurt her so much already, but this is too far.

“Do you want to hold her?” Tamsin hums.

My eyes turn to the child, “What is wrong with you? Why would you have this child? You will break Taurus if she finds out.”

“You know when I found out that I was pregnant, I was confused because I made sure to be safe with you.Idid notwant to be with you. Then I thought,I believed I couldstart again with this child, but as I held her in my arms...I felt nothing.”
