Page 28 of Widowed

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I clear my throat, “Alright, you’re all good. Please keep this button intact, okay?”

“Okay, Dad.” He hops off the sink and I realize what he called me. Maybe he said it by accident? A happy feeling overwhelmed me, and I’m too fulfilled to care. It quickly turns sour when I think of Ivan. This is what Ivan wanted, but it still hurts just the same that his son is calling me father.

I put my hand on Prince’s shoulder, and we left the bathroom. “Let’s go find your mother.”

Boris Thomas leans against the wall outside the bathroom. “It seemed as if you wanted to speak to me alone.” He chuckles in an overconfident tone.

This man has a death wish and I’m more than willing to grant it.

“Go find your mother, please,” I tell Prince and he nods and runs. “Let’s talk outside,” I say.

Boris follows me, and I lean against a wall outside as he takes out a cigarette to smoke. “From the looks you give me, you know, don’t you? You know how Reyna and I know each other. I’m surprised you could marry her knowing that.” He blows out smoke, “But then again, I’ve never believed in the idea of marriage, which is why Reyna was perfect.”

I close my eyes, bored by his pointless rambling. “This is what you wanted? To talk me out of being married to Reyna?” I yawn.

“I’m guessing you and she just got married because she stopped coming to our appointments. Every other Sunday, like clockwork.” He continues.

Is he trying to get a reaction out of me? He sounds like a child baiting me the way he is.

“You know I tried hard for her to see me as more, but she never did. Why were you the chosen one?” He slurs his words, and I’m not angry anymore; I’m concerned. My wife has this kind of effect on men. Will I become a blubbering idiot the second she leaves? I told her I would let her leave if she wanted to, but I might be lying to myself.

I sigh at what this woman will inevitably turn me into. I getoff the walland walk away, but he puts his hand on my shoulder, “Hey!” He shouts.

Within a swift second, I took his hand and crushed it with the strength of my own. “You know…you have been such a nuisance since we met,” I grumble.

He groans in pain, “Are you insane?! I’m a surgeon!”

I roll my eyes. “Try to not make a scene. There’s a camera watching us.” I point to the camera above us.

He’s been seen on camera heavily drunk, while I have been leaning quietly against the wall. In no way will he be the victim in this case. A person should always be aware of their surroundings. Especially if you’re going to act like a drunk idiot.

I walked back inside and found my wife. I see her speaking to…Maeve? What is she doing here?


Where is Kyro? Is he having that hard a time fixing the button? I laugh internally, thinking about Kyro sewing a button on. I looked around the room and surprisingly saw a familiar face: Maeve.

When we lock eyes, she seems scared for some reason. “Hey.” I greet walking to her.

“Hi, Reyna. What brings you here?” She asks.

“I was dragged along by my husband, who was invited.” I laugh. “And you?”

“My father is the new governor.” She clarifies.

Wait…Maeve and Boris are siblings? This must be some sick joke.

Maeve’s eyes look on in concern. “Are you okay? Do you need some water?”

I laugh dryly, “A shot sounds better.”

“I agree.” She laughs.

We ran to the bar and began the madness.


These two women are taking shot after shot. I walk up and take the shot from Reyna’s hand. “Enough,” I growl.
