Page 51 of Widowed

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“I? You meanwe, right?” I forgot that my wife wants to participate, but with her being taken. I’m hesitant.

“Reyna…” I walked over to the couch and caressed her face. “You’re not ready.”

Reyna slaps my hand from her face and gets up. “I thought you said that it was you andI.What happened to us trusting each other? I was taken and I understand that you are still recovering, but I am not just a woman you got stuck with.” She sighs, “I would kill for you. All I ask is that you give me a chance to show you.” She says before going into the bedroom and closing the door.


It feels selfish to be angry, but he’s my husband. He should trust that I won’t fail him, or at least give me the chance to show him. I get that he is still upset about the kidnapping and losing to the Irish, but how will I learn if I’m on a timeout? I’m his wife, not his obedient dog.

As I sit in the room, I feel like a bratty child. Why am I throwing a tantrum instead of speaking to him? Fuck, what’s wrong with me? I want to go out there and speak to him, but my pride is keeping me from it. But what is more important, my husband or pride? I never used to get so angry at Ivan because he never questioned my words, but then again. I can’t keep comparing them. I knew Kyro was different than Ivan, and I accepted it. I will just have to work with him.

I go to open the door, but Kyro walks in before I can. “Sit down.” He orders. His tone is cold, and I may have overdone it when I slapped his hand away.

Since I was a bit rude, I listened. I listen to my husband and sit down. “I’m sorry I slapped your hand, but you should have my back.” I gently apologize.

He doesn’t say anything, he just pulls the chair from the desk and sits in it across from me. He stares at me coldly.

“I’m done. You can talk now.” I exhale uncomfortably.

Kyro still doesn’t speak and just keeps looking at me.

“Kyro?” I call, “Trying to intimidate me won’t work.”

He continues to stare at me, and it makes me angry.

I stand up in a huff, “Fine, fuck, you don’t want to talk? Then don’t. I’ll leave the room.”

“Do you see? You’re in no state yet to come with me. You can’t get flustered that easily. In there, everything is a life-or-death situation. Trust is not the issue, experience is.” He takes my cheek in his hand. “You haven’t been in this life that long. With time, I’ll bring you, but for now. Please listen to me and stay put. I won’t be long.”

I sigh, “Fine,thistime, but not the next.”

“I promise you, if you are a good girl and listen, I’ll give you a nice present when I get back. My time will be yours and yours alone. I may even let you order me around a little more.”

This brings a smile to my face and at that moment, I realize that I may be just as sadistic as him.


This is a quick meeting. My spy meets me quickly in an isolated room in an abandoned building.

“Why are they in hiding?” I ask.

Kira looks over at me with crossed arms. “The boss is dying. With no heir to carry on. They are getting frantic and weak. This is the perfect time to strike. Their connection and suppliers have backed out on deliveries. They’re too unstable to be trusted. They won’t survive.”

I look over at her with a small grin on my face. “Good. We strike soon. Just give me the opening.” I order.

She nods, “Of course.”

“If you believe for any reason that your cover is blown, leave. We will regroup later and tell your wife to not interfere again.” I growl.

“She misses me.” Kira whines.

I suddenly heard something. Someone’s here. Kira walks out first, and a man is hiding in the shadows. There is a man with a gun on his hip. He can’t see me through the rusted pillar. Kira draws her gun. “Who’s there?” Kira barks in Korean.

The man starts speaking Japanese. “What are you doing here?” He questions.

“I needed time to think.” She replies in Japanese.

“The boss needs you. Stop fucking around.” He barks.
