Page 82 of Widowed

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“I understand. Trust me, I do. Although it’s hard. We have each other to support and lean on. I’ll never fully heal, but going back to our real home could help both you and I. Don’t you think?”

He thinks about it and takes a deep breath. “You want to?” I nod. I can see the hesitation on his face as he says, “Then let’s go home.”

This will be good for us. New York is our home and yes, we have bad memories tied to Ivan’s death, but we also have amazing memories tied to his life. Ivan will always be my first love and my child’s father and I’ll never let Prince forget that. Ivan was right about Kyro and I. He knew we would complement each other. So, I know that he wouldn’t be angry if I fell for Kyro, right? Ivan was the jealous type, but in a cute way.

“Are you sure?” I say with my head on his chest.

He pats my head lovingly. “Yes, Reyna. Wherever you feel the happiest is where I am going to be. It’s time I faced my demons as I’ve watched you slowly face your own.”

“You think I’ve faced mine?” I sigh, “I’m not so sure. I found love again, which makes me feel as if I have healed, but on the other hand, I feel as if I haven’t grieved enough. I found out more in a few months about Ivan than I did the whole time we were together. There is so much that was kept from me that weighs on my mind and I’ll never get those answers.”

Kyro pulls me in close and kisses the top of my head. “Reyna, please don’t second guess his love for you. Yes, he did keep things from you, but it was never to hurt you. You and Prince were the center of his universe. Nothing was more important.”

“I know, but I wanted to hear that from him.” I exhale with frustration.

Kyro sighs, “You will. One day, many years from now. But until then, I get to keep you to myself before you die, and he takes you back.”

“You don’t think we will be together after we die?” I giggle.

“I’m not headed where you’re going.” He laughs.

I get on top of him fully and kiss his forehead. “You can’t escape me, not even in death. Nice try though. You must not know how a Caribbean woman works.”

Kyro snorts out a laugh. “Pick a house you like, and we’ll move as soon as possible.” Kyro seems in good spirits, but his hesitation worries me.

He taps my ass and I roll over on the bed. He gets out of bed and jumps into the shower alone. I decided to get up and go into Prince’s room to tell him the news.

As I enter the room, Prince is still asleep in his bed. I crawl into his bed and hug my baby boy.

“Guess what Kyro told me?” I whisper as I play with the ends of his curls.

He groans, but I think he’s still asleep.

“We’re moving back home to New York, but I don’t think Kyro wants to go back. Am I a bad person for asking him if he’s not ready? I mean, he waited for me. Maybe we should just stay here for a bit longer.” I sigh, “I don’t know.” I continue talking to myself.

“Mom, it’s too early for you to have a crisis. Move your crisis to noon. I’ll deal with it later.” Prince groans.

My son truly is an adult living in a ten-year-old’s body. Before Ivan died, Prince was a smart and mature kid, but he became even more mature after Ivan died. He stopped crying, he made sure to have perfect grades in school, and he became the perfect kid. I wonder if that’s my fault for not making him feel like he could lean on me after Ivan died.

I kiss his cheek, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be saying this kind of stuff in front of you. Go back to sleep.”

As I move to get up, Prince turns around and pulls me back into the bed. He doesn’t say anything, but he snuggles into my neck. Prince is my foundation. He keeps me grounded and lets me know that I am never alone. No matter if we end with just the both of us.


“I’ll be moving back to New York. I need you to let the men know and get everyone to tighten security over there. Territories need to be beyond tightened.” I order through the phone as I sit in the back seat of one of my cars.

“How soon will you be here?” Nikolai asks.

“A week or so give or take. With us killing Gideon, his boss/brother is not going to be so happy about it.”

“I doubt he cares. Word on the street is Alek Tavish is a psychopath. He lacks any empathy for anyone, even his family members. I hear his sister overstepped and put a hit out on the Italians, and he killed her for it. We don’t need to worry about him.” He reassures.

I sigh, “Can’t be too sure. Tighten security as much as you can. He sounds too unpredictable for my taste.”

“I thought you were adamant about not moving back,Pahkan.”

“Myboss told me she wanted to go home.” I joke.
