Page 84 of Widowed

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“Hey!” Another man comes up, and it’s the other cop on my payroll I spotted in the bakery. I wanted Rowan to make a scene in front of him. The other cop grabs Rowan and slams him against a table. “Are you okay, sir?” He asks.

I smile, “I’m fine, thank you.”

Rowan shouts out obscenities and I chuckle, walking out of the bakery. The car is filled up with expensive and well-designed pastries. She’s going to be ecstatic. Although, I’ll have to make a stop.

My driver took me to one of my warehouses. I didn’t think I’d be able to have some fun today, but Rowan decided to treat me.

I open the door to the warehouse to see my gift. “The cops work for you?” Rowan growls as he’s tied to a chair. “You’re a fucking stain on the country! You’re the reason for all corruption!”

“Yes, all the corruption that’s been around since the beginning of time is my fault.” My sarcastic tone left my mouth.

Rowan looks around franticly and it makes me smile. “You can’t kill me. Maeve would never forgive you or Reyna.”

I started laughing a bit. “I have fucked my wife with her covered in the blood of our enemy. Trust me, she won’t mind.”

He shakes, trying to get out of the chair. “Think about what you’re doing! I’m a cop! You kill a cop, and someone will notice!”

I exhale, “I’m hoping that they do. Threats don’t send the same message as a dead body you can mourn. I gave you multiple chances to be a good pig and do what pigs do best, but you’re a deviant pig who wants to be slaughtered.”

Rowan continues to struggle. “Fuck!”

“Don’t worry, I’m not heartless. When I’m done, I’ll give you back to your family. They will rule that you were killed in action, protecting lives or some shit. I’ll even pay for the funeral. How nice am I?”

“You’re insane. Who thinks like this?! How could Reyna ever love you? You’re probably holding her against her will! You fucking monster! You’re going to rot in hell!” He screams incredibly loud.

“I do. She does. No. Yes and yes.” I answer as I cross my arms and close my eyes. “How should I start? I have to be quick. I don’t want Reyna’s pastries to go to waste.” I think about it and then it comes to me. I call my men to get me diazinon and a syringe. It’s a poison used to exterminate bugs.

When I’m given the poison and syringe, Rowan starts heaving like a squealing pig in a panic.

“P-Please don’t kill me!” He starts crying.

I groan, shaking my head. “If I let you go, you would just come back.”

“I won’t! I promise! I’ll move away and never come back!” He squeals.

I shake my head, “No. That won’t do.”

I realize I’ve taken too much time letting him beg. I have to get back to my wife. I fill the syringe with the diazinon and stick it into his wrist and he starts screaming. As the poison is burning his body from the inside.

“There we go. Don’t worry, you’ll be dead soon. Give it a couple of minutes.” I say, but he probably is not listening to me since he’s still screaming in pain. I watch him as he continues to scream louder and louder before it just stops. I look back at my watch. “That was fast.”

My men know the procedure. I don’t say a word and walk out of the warehouse. Making my way back into the car and heading back to see my wife.

Chapter 26

Three Weeks Later


We are on a plane going back to New York and I couldn’t be more excited. It’s strange to say that because all I wanted was to be away from New York after Ivan. The first thing we wanted to do when we landed was visit Ivan’s grave, but Kyro was still not ready. He didn’t want to come. He sat in the car, waiting for us.

“Hey,Papa!” Prince exclaims as he sits in front of Ivan’s grave. “I’m sure you’re happy that we were back. I missed you. You were right, Kyro and Mom are a lot alike.”

I watch my son talk to him and I wonder what he feels when he does. Does he do it because he thinks he can hear him? Or does he do it to cope with his loss?

“Kyro is going to visit you soon. He’s just not emotionally ready to see you, but I promise he will. Then we can all talk together. He misses you a lot, too. I can tell when he looks at me.” Prince looks over at me, then back at the grave. “Mom is here too. I think she’s better than she was when we left. She laughs a lot more. She seems happy.”

Ivan, I think back on moments with you when we first began our relationship.
