Page 86 of Widowed

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It’s only been a day back here and I have already started to try to dissociate from my problems. My wife is observant, and I can see it’s bothering her. I know how to be there for Reyna, well at least I’m learning to, but when it comes to myself, I can’t. The only person I could ever lean on a hundred percent was Ivan, and I haven’t leaned on anyone else like that since then.

“I’ll try…” I say into her ear.

She smacks my back harshly, “No, you will.”

A cough escapes my lips from discomfort. “That hurt,” I growl. “Do you want me to bruise your ass? You haven’t gotten a good spanking in a while.”

Her hands trace my shoulders as she smirks. “Only if you’re offering.” She giggles as she pushes her lips together into a smile. “Since you’re in better spirits. Why don’t we join Izzy for a night out?” She suggests.

“You want to go out to a club?” I ask, kissing her shoulder.

“Yeah, let’s have some fun. Prince probably wants to go to his friend’s place for the night, anyway. Mommy and Daddy deserve a play date too.”

My hands travel to her ass and squeeze, making her yelp. “Then let’s get ready.” We continued kissing for the next ten minutes before stepping out of the shower and getting dressed.

Reyna puts on a tight dress that shows off her curvaceous outline. She looks amazing. She always does, but seeing her in this tight little dress makes me tap into my more animal instincts. That dress will be in pieces by the end of the day.

As the moon replaces the sun, we head out and make our way to the club. When we arrived, you could hear the music blasting from outside. Izzy is sitting at a table alone, waiting for us.

I scanned the room. I’m always vigilant, coming into enclosed spaces. I’m not the only monster who could have decided to come to a club tonight.

“I’m so happy you’re back. It’s been lame without you.” Izzy whines, hugging Reyna.

“I missed you so much,” Reyna whines back.

“Let’s go get drinks.” Izzy sings.

Reyna looks over at me. “What do you want to drink, husband? Don’t be shy, it’s on me.” Her playful side is coming out already.

“Scotch neat,” I answer.

She kisses my lips before getting up. “Coming right up, sir.”

I watch closely as the girls get drunk. Men start to surround them quickly and I fight the urge to get up. I watch a man stand next to Izzy and slip something into her drink when she looked over at Reyna. It hasn’t even been an hour and these pigs are trying to roofie women.

Chapter 27


As I get up, Reyna takes Izzy’s drink from her and whispers in her ear. She then speaks to the bartender. He nods and makes a call.

Men walk next to the man next to Izzy and throw him out. Reyna must have seen him. Men like that shouldn’t be thrown out, they should be punished and executed.

With new drinks, Reyna and Izzy came back to the table. Reyna hands me my drink. “Scotch neat.”

“Thank you. What went on over there?” I ask.

“You know, guy tries to roofie girl, girl calls security, guy gets thrown out.” Izzy simplifies.

Reyna scoffs, “That pussy deserves to be beheaded, but I want to enjoy a night out.”

“As great as it is to talk to you guys, I need a man to dance on, so I’ll see you guys in a bit.” Izzy giggles, getting up and going into the crowd. Maybe Reyna was wrong about Izzy and Nikolai.

Reyna turns to me as if she can read my mind, “I still think they’re together…somehow.” I burst out laughing at her observation.

“Detective Novikov put the magnifying glass away and let’s dance.” I got up and pulled her to her feet.
