Page 77 of Innocent

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Scars I’d live with forever.

He could have that and those.

But I couldn’t let him take my future too.

Not when I finally found someone who’s the man I’d always dreamed of.

He didn’t want to hurt me.

He wanted to protect me.

He wanted to uplift me.

He wanted to help me follow my dreams.

I couldn’t give up when I could see this future I never imagined was even possible before.

With my sister.

With Drake.

With my store.

Now I could see it, I could feel it, and just like I’d fought for my life that day when Brian walked into the shop.

I had to fight for it again.



The club pulled into the hotel just as we were stepping out the doors. And fuck, it was good to see them.

As they each stepped out onto the curb to meet me, I felt a single weight being lifted from my shoulders. With each one that was gone, I could stand a little taller, breathe a little easier, and think a little clearer.

I may not have been made to ride with the club forever, but I’d carry them with me no matter where I would go. And having them here was reassurance that no rock would go unturned until we found Cassie. They would never give up. She was coming home tonight.

“She’s in Brighton, a couple of hours southwest,” I announced to the group. “We need to move quickly. She was already in a bad way. I can’t imagine what kind of state she might be in when we get there.”

“What about him?” Rip questioned, his nostrils flared.

“If we see him, he’s done,” I explained in simple terms. “But my priority is her. I got time for him. Plenty of fucking time.”

“Let’s go,” Aspen announced, jogging over to Simon’s new SUV.

Reed went with her while my brothers and I each took a motorcycle.

Simon pulled up beside us before we could even start the engines. “I know the quickest route there.”

I nodded sharply. “Good, we follow you.”

My brothers all nodded, and seconds later, we were out.

We’re coming, Cassie. Just hold on.

We made it to Brighton in good time.

But it still felt like every second dragged.
