Page 46 of The Light Within

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Her face softens and the way her skin glows from my words nearly makes me want to say fuck this fight, throw her over my shoulder like a caveman and carry her out of here so I can have my way with her. Again.

I suck in a breath from the vision I see in this gorgeous woman’s eyes. She is everything I’ve ever wanted in this world and more. “You own all of me, goddess. Every dark, broken piece to every smooth, shiny fragment.” Swallowing hard, I lightly push a strand of hair from her face. “You haveallof me, forever.”

“There’s darkness inside, but you don’t view me as a monster. I don’t see you as one, either. You are just…you. I accept and love every bit of you, William. I have since the day we met.”

“God, I fucking love you, goddess.” Love overflows from me, pouring into her as I hold her protectively against me, not caring about the blood, the fight, or everyone around us.

Her eyes shine with tears as her eyes close and she presses her lips to mine, too overcome for words.

She doesn’t need to say anything. I saw everything she was feeling in her eyes.

I know her better than I know myself.

Sighing as we part, she strokes my jawline, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip.

“What is it, goddess?” I tilt my head, scrutinizing her. Rubbing my thumb over her bottom lip, she releases her lip.

“What did Savage Rob say to you before the fight? I know he said something, based on your reaction.”

Fury fills me, my jaw ticking. “He said, ‘Hot looking woman you have there, William. I’d love to fuck that tight ass of hers until she screams and cries. He’s a complete dumb fuck,” I spit the words out, pissed all over again.

When I see her wince from hearing those words, I stroke her cheek, my face softening. “You know I’d never let him hurt you, right? I won’t let him fucking touch a single inch of you.”

She turns into my touch, rubbing her cheek against my hand. “I know.” Her smile slowly widens. “I’d beat the shit out of him before he laid a finger on me though.”

I chuckle, pride filling me. “Yes, you would, goddess. But you won’t have to because I’d kill him first.”

She shivers again. “So fucking hot.” Her breathy voice makes my dick twitch. Reluctantly, she looks over my shoulder. “Looks like the fight will resume soon. Needledick is swaying on his feet and staring daggers at your back.”

My grin widens. “Good. I’m ready to beat the shit out of him.”

“Torture him slowly, baby.” She pulls back slightly, her eyebrows raised. “Thenendhim.”

Her words stir the monster inside, who rears his head, breathing fire through my body. “Anything for you, my love.”

Shifting my body beside hers, we stare daggers at Savage Rob, our combined rage burning into him. He’s lucky we can’t make him combust from our looks alone.

He flinches as he sees the monsters inside us, his back pressing against the corner of the ring.

But he’ll get no mercy whatsoever from me.

No one threatens my woman and lives long enough to see the light of day.

The once light bluish gray mat is covered in Savage Rob’s blood as I stand in the center of the ring.

I had no intention of telling Everleigh what he said about her until she asked. I’d never lie to her, so I repeated his disgustingly vile words. I saw the flash of fear flit across her face before she schooled her features, her lips trembling and her long lashes rapidly blinking.

That was the instant I knew I would break, then destroy Savage Rob.

No one makes my woman fearful.

Not without paying with his body… then his life.

My gaze locks with hers and she gives me that smile I live for every day of my life. The monster inside her stares back at me, a flame inside her earthy orbs. She licks her lips, giving me the answer I seek.

She wants to watch me violently destroy him.

A smile pulls up my lips. Ialwaysgive my woman what she wants.
