Page 14 of Grim's Hell

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Spike arches a brow. “His tone or the fact that he was right?”


My shoulders tense, and I glare at my brother. “I don’t want to see that shit again, got it?”

Movement catches my attention, and I glance to my left to see Thorn getting to his feet. Abyss tries to help him, but all he gets for his effort is shrugged off.

“Next time you want to knock a man’s teeth down his throat,” Thorn begins, his movements sluggish. “Give him some warning.”

“Next time you want to spout off at the mouth… don’t,” I counter.

Storming away from them, I head to my room. Just once, I’d like to be able to slam the door behind me. Not for my benefit since I can’t hear the bang, but to prove a point to the others. But the stupid security measures prevent that from happening. Instead, it slides open after reading my fingerprint, and it’s extremely unsatisfying.

After stripping off my still-clean clothes, I stride to the bathroom and turn on the water. I don’t know how they missed the massive boner I’m sporting, but I’m grateful that my brothers didn’t pick up on exactly how affected I was by what I saw.


As I step under the spray, I close my eyes and conjure up an image of the ethereal beauty. It’s hard to tell on a TV screen how tall someone is, but she only came up to her father’s shoulder, so I’m guessing she’s pretty short.

Perfect blow job height.

My cock throbs as I wrap my hand around the thick length, and when I imagine Violet’s lips replacing my fingers, it’s all I can do not to paint the tile with my cum. Tugging on my dick, I brace myself against the wall with my free hand.

My entire body is on fire, and as much as I try to drag out my pleasure, it’s impossible. It’s been too long since I’ve had a woman, and I ache for release. I grunt with an intense orgasm that rips along my spine.

Once I’m finished, I quickly wash up and get out to dry off. Guilt settles between my shoulder blades, and it’s a heavy burden. I try to convince myself that I have nothing to feel guilty about. Masturbating to thoughts of a woman I’ll never meet isn’t the worst thing in the world.

But it makes you as much of a sinner as those you purge.

Tossing my towel in the hamper, I strut into the bedroom and get dressed. If jacking off makes me a sinner, then I’m going straight to Hell.

Do not pass Go. Do not collect two hundred dollars.



“Dad, what’s going on?”

When the service finally ended, it was another hour of accepting congratulations from most of the congregation before we were able to escape to my father’s office.

“Violet, you know I’m not getting any younger,” Dad huffs. “I’ve been in the spotlight long enough, and your mother and I are ready to travel as missionaries overseas before we can’t anymore. Now that you’re getting married, we know that you’ll be taken care of, and Brad has really expressed an interest in taking over the church so it will stay in the family.”

“I didn’t realize that you and Mom wanted to travel overseas. But you didn’t have to wait for me to get married to do that.” My head swivels to Brad before I continue. “I knew you were interested in becoming a pastor but had no idea that you wanted to take over my dad’s church.”

“Your dad and I talked about the possibility of me taking over when I asked him for your hand,” Brad explains. “We wanted to surprise you.”

“You managed to do that alright,” I say under my breath.

“What was that, honey?” Mom asks.

“Why didn’t anyone ask me if I wanted my wedding televised?” I give a pointed look at both of my parents. “You know how much I hate being in the spotlight.”

“Violet, it’sourwedding,” Brad says with an edge to his voice. “Besides, I thought it would be a great introduction to me taking over the reins. Your dad marrying us will be the last major ceremony he performs before I take the podium for the first time.”

“No one asked me,” I grit through my teeth.

My parents glance at each other quickly, but don’t respond. I know they’re surprised by my outburst, but before either of them can say anything Brad continues.
