Page 99 of Grim's Hell

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“I know.” Jez dips her head. “But when he and Malice left, I was lost. They did what they had to do, and I did what I had to do.”

“Damn stubborn men,” Heather inserts. “Want me to kick his ass?”

That sends us into another fit of giggles. A knock at the door kicks Cece into gear, and she finishes zipping up my dress. Heather lets Abyss into the room, and he whistles loudly.

“Wow, you look amazing,” he says.

A blush creeps across my chest and face.

“Now you’re perfect,” Cece says, hugging me.

After everything Abyss has done for me, I asked him to give me away. Besides, I didn’t want my parents here. This is about me and Grim and starting our lives together with a clean slate. I can’t let them ruin what should be the happiest day of my life.

It took some convincing to keep my parents from going to the Confessional. I don’t blame Grim for wanting to purge them. Theyaresinners, after all. They may be my parents, but the pain they caused will never be forgiven or forgotten.

Instead, Jez worked her magic. My parents are now broke and living overseas doing missionary work. Grim makes sure they have just enough money so as not to starve, but that’s it. As for the money they took from parishioners… A lot of it was recovered and returned to the church. The club is watching closely to make sure it’s never mismanaged again. Even though my parents stole money, there was still a lot of good the church did, and I didn’t want to see that destroyed.

“M’lady.” Abyss bows and pulls my hand into the crook of his arm. “Ready to go marry your man?”

“No. I already married the man.” I shake my head and smile. “This time, I’m marrying the Reaper.”

* * *


“Brother, you better hurry.”

I stare at my reflection in the mirror and watch Soul walk across the room toward me. In the four months since everything with Brad went down, Soul has changed. He’s still one of my best friends, and I love him, but he’s more guarded now, more aware of what the people he loves are doing at all times.

It’s understandable but fucking annoying. Hell, there are times I can’t even fuck my wife without him questioning my every move.

“Up or down?” I ask.

He arches a brow.

“Hair… up or down?”

“What would Violet prefer?”

I grin. “Well, she likes to tug on it while I’m buried de—”

Soul smacks my hands, and I lower them to my sides.

“Wear it down. There’s no time for you to do anything different.”

I nod, give myself one final glance, and then proceed him out of the room. As we walk down the hall toward the common room, I shove my hand in my pocket and wrap my fingers around the ring I bought for Violet. We have the ones we picked out when we went shopping after our Vegas wedding, but I wanted something extra special today.

Soul is at my side, and Malice joins us at the end of the hall. I shift my gaze to the other side of the large space, trying to catch a glimpse of my bride. Of course, she’s not there. Jez is, though, and I feel Soul tense beside me.

“Dude, you need to get a grip,” I tell him.

“She’s my sister, Grim. Stay out of it.”

I shake my head. “I don’t think so. Jez is family to all of us. Maybe not by blood, but family, nonetheless. And you don’t shut out family just because you’re pissed at them.”

“Seriously? After the secrets you kept, the way you shut all of us out, that’s your argument?”

“I didn’t keep secrets or shut you out because I was pissed at you or anyone else in the club. I did it because Jez is family, and she asked me to keep my mouth shut. I don’t get why you can’t see the difference.”
