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I shake my head because no words are necessary. Everyone down here knows that Sergio likes to play. Trying to tell him that we have a full complement of staff to take care of the lady patrons who pay the pricey membership fees does no good.

The club is dimly lit and exudes a sexy vibe, the music pulsing and low. Candy and a few of the other ladies mingle among the patrons of the club in various outfits and sexy attire.

“Your turn at the desk today?” I ask Cassie, a petite blonde who’s been working for the family since the resort opened.

She gives me a warm smile. “Not a bad gig every ten days,” she says, pulling out a magazine from beneath the counter and flashing me the entertainment page.

I grin. “Don’t let the boss see you reading that thing. He’s had about enough of the press lately,” I tell her.

“Are you looking for Serg?”


Cassie laughs. “He’s in with a client.” She glances at her watch. “It will probably be another twenty minutes.”

It’ll take me that long to walk back to the other side of the resort and come back. “I’ll hang out for a while,” I tell her, wandering over to one of the red couches that the decorator has strewn around the lounge along with strategically placed large trees in pots, to create little pockets of privacy for patrons of the club.

Roxy sees me and walks over in her black heels and spandex dominatrix attire. I give her a grin. “You have any victims today, Rox?”

She rolls her eyes. “It’s early yet. You looking for the ladies’ man?” she asks, smiling.

“Always it would seem.”

She takes a seat next to me and crosses her long legs adorned in black fishnet stockings. Her perfume wafts under my nostrils, filling the air as she moves. “Too bad you like the submissive types,” she says, brushing a hand over the shoulder of my suit and tossing her long jet-black hair from her face. “Tiarra is working today. You should stop by and say hello. She hasn’t seen you in a hot minute,” Roxy says.

My eyebrows raise. “It’s not a thing, Rox. You should know better than that.”

She shrugs. “Tiarra might think differently. You should stop by and say something while you’re waiting for Sergio. If it’s not a thing, tell her that.”

There’s a reason Roxy is in charge of the lower level. She keeps a close eye on the ladies and gents we employ. No one looks cross eyed at the ladies without Roxy putting them in their place, and we make sure she has enough muscle to back her up if things get beyond what she can control.

Tiarra and I have had some good sessions, but it’s definitely not the type of thing Roxy is inferring, and I’ve given Tiarra no reason to think otherwise, but Roxy looks unconvinced. “Sure, where is she?” I ask.

“Last room on the right,” she says.

I weave my way through the lounge and walk through the doors that lead me to the playrooms. The soles of my shoes echo in the hall as I make my way past open and closed doors. Tonight, the rooms will all be rented out from six p.m. until three in the morning with the exception of the family’s private rooms. One of the rooms that I envision bringing Isabella to time and time again.

Tiarra is bent over one of the tandem chairs, polishing it to a shine when I walk in. “Hi, Tiarra.”

Her face brightens the minute she sees me. I’ve gotta give it to Roxy, she sure knows her girls. I would have never thought that anything I said or did would have given her an indication that we were more than play partners on a couple of occasions. I sit on one of the benches, and she comes to me, just like she always has.

It’s important to me that Tiarra understands, because she is a submissive both in and out of the playroom. I pat the seat next to me. “I stopped by to see Sergio this evening,” I tell her.

Her eyes register her disappointment, making what I have to say even harder. “Tiarra, one of these days you’re going to find the perfect fit, a man who desires to be in a relationship with you, loves you, and wants the same relationship that you do.”

Tiarra swallows, and her eyes glaze with unshed tears. I take her hand and stroke her cheek. “I’m sorry if I led you to believe it was me, but it’s not.” I don’t tell her that I met someone because I don’t want her to think that it was because of Isabella because it’s not. We wouldn’t be together regardless of my relationship with Bella.

She inhales heavily and shakes her head. “You didn’t, maybe I just see what I want to see sometimes.” She swallows, holding back her tears. “You never said anything to me that led me on. You were just so ... perfect.” She shrugs as tears begin flowing down her cheeks.

I take her in my arms for a minute. “I’m sorry, Tiarra. One day a man is going to come waltzing through that door, and we’re going to lose one of our best girls. I wish that for you.”

I gently unfold the arms that have wrapped around me and stand, putting some distance between us. “Remember what I said, Tiarra. Wait for the right one. There are far better men than me out there. You will make someone the luckiest man in the world.”

There are men out there far better than me, not only for Tiarra but for Isabella too. A man who may only bring her heartache and fear like she had today. A monster who specializes in ensuring our family remains in power, regardless of who we hurt and how we get there.

I should warn Isabella about that side of me too. She only sees the man that I want her to see. Not the strategic fuck that will mess with someone’s mind the way I intend to with old man De Rosa because he’s far from paid for taking my little cousin.

I’m walking down the hall when Sergio comes out of a playroom, escorting a pretty woman who’s looking all googly eyed at him as he talks with her, and they make their way to the exit.
