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Salvatore comes onto the phone line. “Sorry, we were dealing with a few other things here or would have called you sooner. Did you find Izzy?” he asks.

“We found her,” I tell him, before taking a pull from my drink. “Did you get word that we found the restaurant the De Rosas are using for the farewell dinner tomorrow night?”

“Dominic sent me a message but didn’t say much more than that. He seems to take his role of sheltering me from stuff that could blow back in my face a little too seriously some days,” he says.

My fearless cousin would think that, but there is a reason for the structure. “No, Dominic is doing exactly as he should. There is a reason the system was built with a layered hierarchy. You need to respect that it’s there for a purpose and let him do his job,” I tell him.

Salvatore lets out a sigh. “Fine. I’ll drop off and let you men have all the fun,” he says, but each and every one of us on the phone know that while he may drop off the phone, he’s probably going to be more hands-on than Great-Uncle ever was. He’ll just find a different way to keep himself involved.

Dominic leads the operational side of the conversation after Salvatore drops off, working with his capos to put a solid plan together. “Renzo and I were talking about the restaurant before you called. It seems like a perfect opportunity, but they may be expecting an attack. We could be walking into a bloodbath ourselves after the confrontation at the gravesite. What do you think, Lorenzo,” he asks.

I give Sergio and Matteo a smile, proud that we have a team of leaders who consider every angle before a decision is made. Our forefathers would be proud of the men each of them have become and the way they protect our interests to ensure we are here for another day.

“You’re not wrong to feel that way. In fact, Sergio, Matteo, and I were talking about a few aspects of it too. They’ll be prepared, and we’ll have to take that into consideration before we’re able to get to them, but I still think it’s too perfect not to proceed.”

Matteo’s jaw tightens. He’s far more serious than Sergio and in my opinion will make a great capo for his men. “We’ll make sure the perimeter is clear and our inside men have things well in hand before we go in,” he says, echoing my thoughts exactly.

A well laid plan is all we need.

Each opinion and thought from the group adds further clarity to our plan, and by the time the conversation ends each of us have a very good understanding of exactly what is going to happen at the restaurant.

Dominic clears his throat. “Gentleman, we have much to do today. It’s already technically Saturday. Work with your teams throughout the day and be prepared for a revenge that will be talked about in decades to come.

The captain announces the impending landing. I finish my drink as Heather comes in to take my glass and make sure everything is in check. She looks to the bedroom door but, rules or not, Isabella is resting, and she’s going to stay that way until she has no choice but to wake.

Heather’s lips purse. “Lorenzo, you’re going to get me fired with the service. The rules apply to everyone. She has to get buckled up before we land.”

“I’ll make sure she’s taken care of,” I tell Heather, hoping that I don’t have to have another heart-to-heart conversation with her too, that she’s gotten the hint and will leave well enough alone about the romp in the bathroom we took last trip. If she covets her job, she will, but that will be up to her and her alone. I have no interest in anyone but Isabella.

The minute Heather leaves the cabin, I unbuckle and go knock on the bedroom door. All of a sudden, the reason for those rules resonates in my mind. Instead of doing what I want because I am who I am, my thoughts turn to Isabella’s safety.

Suddenly my chest tightens with thoughts of her being tumbled around the airplane without being secured when we land. I knock on the bedroom door again, this time a little louder.

Isabella doesn’t respond, so I ease the door open. Her slight frame is half under the covers, fully dressed, her face buried into the pillow with a mass of red curls spilled out over the bed.

I close the door behind me and sit on the edge of the bed, feeling the slight descent of the plane. “Bella, it’s time to get buckled up,” I tell her.

Her eyes barely open, but they swirl with unsaid emotion. “I just want to stay here, please. So tired and the motion, it’s making me a little nauseous.”

I sigh, pushing the mass of hair past her face and sliding into bed behind her. “We’ll stay here together, Bella. I will protect you,” I tell her, wishing that I could protect her from all the De Rosas as easily, but silently vowing that I will.



Lorenzo lies next to me,and his arms wrap around me. I try my best to choke back the emotion of the day as the heat of his body warms my own. He draws me closer into the protection of his strength as we prepare for the landing.

My traitorous body craves everything about the way he feels lying next to me. But what I want is not always good for my heart. I know this, and yet every neuron in my body yearns to be closer, have him capture me with his kisses, ravage me with his need, even if it’s only for today and not a promised tomorrow.

My face nuzzles into his chest as the plane lands. He holds me tight, as though I will fly off the bed if he doesn’t. “A human seat belt. Is that a new move? One that works with all the ladies?” I ask, looking up at him as he watches me.

His lips turn up in a half smile, but it doesn’t meet his eyes. He just holds me close and kisses the top of my head as the wheels touch the ground and we fly over the runaway. Only when we’ve slowed does he unwrap his arms, stand, and straighten his clothes. “Don’t forget your bag. I have plans for its contents later,” he says, before leaving me on my own and walking out the door, not giving me a chance to say a word.

I get out of bed, feeling refreshed but more emotional than I should. Lorenzo Larussio is a complex man, but I’ve always known exactly who and what he is. I’ve been reading about his affairs with starlets from around the globe for years. He’s never tried to be anything other than who he is, even though I thought perhaps he would change because of me.

I get up, refresh in the bathroom, and look at myself in the mirror. I’ll finish the stories, give myself time to fully understand the man, and say my goodbyes when it’s time. Revenge on the De Rosas is bound to come hard and fast. Then, I’ll write my piece, we’ll make a deal, and then I’ll move on.

