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“And let’s say you and Gunnar do stay married—”

I looked around warily, but Tansy just kept talking; she must have a lot of trust in her spells.

“—and you don’t want to go back to work…so what?” Tansy continued. “I never finished the degree I never wanted, and I’m taking some time off to figure out what I want in life. If I decide to stay home with our kid when Eamon and I decide to have one, then that’s my choice.”

“Eamon’s kid? Combined with your magic? That kid is going to be a full-time job in itself,” Shelby laughed.

Seriously, Tansy would have her hands full.

“But you still have your own income,” I said.

“Yeah, I do the occasional magical chore for Desmon or the EA. But it’s not like a job-job or anything.”

“It totally is!” Shelby exclaimed. “You get paid for it, it’s a job.”

“It’s not consistent work.”

“So what? That’s part of being your own boss.”

“Did you decide yet if you wanted to rent out the unit that just became free next to the Redrock offices, so you have a place to do your fittings again?” Tansy asked.

“Yes, I’m going to take it. It’s pricey, but I miss having a place to meet with clients and do fittings. The Redrock offices are nice and all, but it’s not the right feel. I want something more relaxed, you know?”

“That’s so exciting!” I said. “It must feel good to know your business has taken off again.”

I thought of my tiny bud of an idea of selling rare plants to the ever-growing plant community. I wasn’t sure if I wanted it to get so big that I’d need a storefront. But then again, when I’d first thought of it, I’d only had time for it to be a side gig.

I wanted to talk about it with the girls because in my head, if I talked about something, it became more real. At the same time, I didn’t want to jinx it.

Shelby beamed. “The amazing thing is that I have fewer one-of-a-kind orders than before, but I earn more because the clientele is more upscale. Of course, all my regulars from before get a discount for sticking with me through the good and the bad. But I was selling myself short before and didn’t even realize it.”

“That sounds win-win to me.” Then, I decided to just spit it out. “You need to give me a quick rundown on how to use social media. Shelby’s Creations’ account is gorgeous.”

“Ooh! Are you finally thinking of dipping your toe in?” Tansy asked.

“Not my toe. My plants’ roots.” I told them about my plan to sell cuttings online, the ones I’d had to leave behind at my apartment, and how I’d started thinking of doing it again after someone on a forum had asked if one was still available. I even told them about falling asleep with the spell going and waking up with my plants taking over the room.

“Ugh,” Tansy said. “Rookie mistake. But that’s better than my first plant growth mishap.”

“What happened?” I asked.

“Let me preface this with, I’m not a green witch, so it doesn’t come naturally to me.” She held up a hand. “But the first time I tried to make a plant grow, it burst into flames.”

“What? No way!” I exclaimed.

“I got frustrated and threw too much magic at it. And well, magic is energy, so…yeah. It caught on fire. Apparently, green energy is gentler. But it’s great that you were able to replace all your cuttings. Exotic plants are big right now. You should totally make this a thing.”

“My buyer was so happy. Usually, buying plants online is such a crapshoot. Some people sell cuttings with no roots, and it’s a gamble if it even survives shipping.” I showed them a listing for a rootless cutting someone had posted for an arm and a leg just because it was rare.

Shelby covered her mouth with her palm. “He wants how much for a leaf with no roots? That’s crazy.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “But they sell. I figured I could offer better quality for the same price or maybe even less.”

“You totally could! And of course I’ll help you set up your social media. What’s your business name?” Shelby asked.

“I was thinking Tiger Lily’s Tropicals. But it’s not set in stone yet.”

“Tiger Lily?” Shelby asked.
