Page 61 of Free Me

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Blake tucks his book between the seat cushion and the frame of the chair, then pushes to his feet, eyes never leaving mine. “Oh, yes. I very much like. And if we weren’t already cutting it close I’d show you how much.”

I grin and drape my arms around his neck, pressing against him from chest to thighs. “How about if you show me later, several times?”

“I can definitely do that.” He wraps me in his arms and kisses my neck. He knows I love it, but he’s also being incredibly considerate by not smudging my lipstick with a kiss. “Mmm. You smell like vanilla sugar.”

He nuzzles behind my ear, making my knees go weak. Even after a year, I still can’t get enough of him. My voice is breathy by the time I figure out how to make words come out of my mouth. “It’s your favorite.”

“Temptress.” His smile is full of promise I intend for him to keep.

“You love it.”

I straighten his tie, and he buttons his suit jacket. “I absolutely do. Shall we?”

He holds out his arm, which I take, and leads me into the foyer and out to the drive. Frank stands by the car, the back door already open and waiting for us. Blake hands me in before sliding in next to me, lacing our fingers together and kissing my hand as the door closes. “Are you excited about tonight?”

I squeeze his fingers. “I am. Do I get a hint about where we’re going?”

“Nope. You’ll have to be patient.” His teasing grin is sexy as hell and I love it, even if I make a fuss.

I give him my best pleading look. “Not even a little one?”

He laughs. For as much as I try, he’s immune to my antics. Though this time he takes pity on me. “Fine. We’re going where it all was supposed to begin.”

I frown, trying to figure out that cryptic clue. Wherewhatwas supposed to begin? “Not at all helpful, darling.”

He shrugs. “Then I suppose you’ll just have to wait and see.”

I sigh dramatically and lean against him, not the least bit put out. He’s taking me somewhere to celebrate one full year of being together, and I couldn’t be happier. Blake has discovered he enjoys surprising me, and I’ve learned that his surprises are always worth waiting for. “So, are you and Mia ready for next weekend?”

Blake nods and smiles sheepishly. “I can’t believe my little brother’s getting engaged.”

I nudge his shoulder. “I can’t believe my little brother’smarried.” There was a time I may have been a teensy bit envious of Erik and Jules, and Quinn and Tadhg, too. But then I met Blake, and these past twelve months with him have been worth all the years of single life. We fell in love quickly, only a month after meeting, and I moved in four months after that, but neither of us regrets it.

Of course, Blake asked me to move in with him in the most romantic way. He took me on a ski weekend and the last night in our chalet, in front of a roaring fire, with delicious wine and romantic jazz in the background, he insisted on giving me one of my Christmas presents early. When I opened it, there was a sweet, hand-written note professing his love, which absolutely made me cry the happiest of tears, and is still one of my most cherished mementoes of our courtship. Inside the box was a key to his house. Of course, I said yes immediately, threw myself at him, and proceeded to strip him bare and make love to every inch of him.

I was sad to give up my sweet little apartment, but it was worth it to spend every night snuggled next to Blake and know we’d get to spend most evenings together in our home.

Now, one year after firing me, we’re still madly in love, and living our best lives. “You sure I can’t have one teensy weensy hint?”

He laughs and shakes his head. “We’re almost there, then you’ll see for yourself.”

“Fine.” I squeeze his arm, letting him know I’m not upset. “Then tell me how Gary’s new book is. You’ve had your nose in it all day.”

Blake jumps on the subject with an eagerness that makes me laugh. “It’s incredible. His best Sterling Archer book yet. You’re coming to the book launch next month, right?”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. You know how I love a good book launch party.” We both laugh, because I’ve never been to one. Book launch parties are as rare as unicorns anymore, but they used to happen all the time, according to Blake. Most publishers stopped them when they became cost prohibitive.

If it was for anyone else, there probably wouldn’t be a launch party. But this one’s for Gary, and Blake indulges everyone he loves. I reap the most benefits from that, and I refuse to apologize for it. “I’m going to hang out with Jocelin since you’ll be busy schmoozing and he’ll be by himself.”

“That’s sweet of you, love. I’m sure he’ll enjoy that. Though he’ll know other people there. He’s worked with most of them over the years.”

That’s true, but I still can’t help my awareness of his single status. At least before, when everyone was paired off, we had each other. Now he’s the only single one left. “I hope he finds someone wonderful soon. He deserves to find the love of his life like I have.” I lean in and lightly kiss Blake’s cheek.

His eyes shine with happiness, and my heart squeezes in my chest. “I’m proof that there’s still time. I’d given up hope, then there you were in all your fabulousness, and I didn’t stand a chance.”

I grin and flip my hair over my shoulder. “I am pretty fabulous.”

His laugh fills the car and I squeeze his hand, so in love with this amazing man who adores me and all my many facets. I glance out the window and recognize where we are, and where we must be going. “Blake, are we going toLaurent?”
