Page 29 of Heal Me

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“It was great to meet you, Nando.” Gunnar shakes his hand, and we stroll toward the other end of the patio and down the few steps onto the impeccably manicured lawn, where several other guests are strolling.

“Your bosses really seem to like you and your work.”

I shake my head, still a bit dazed. “It’s surreal. On one hand, I know I’m doing a great job because I make sure I am. My clients rely on me to be diligent and look out for their interests. I take that very seriously. And everyone always hopes their bosses think they’re performing well. But I really respect Alistair and Nando, and to have them tell me in no uncertain terms that they appreciate my work is so validating.”

“Does that mean you’ll get a promotion? Sorry, I’m not sure how law offices work, and that always seems like the reward for doing an excellent job.”

I shake my head, even though he probably can’t see it in the dim light. “No. In most law offices you have to litigate in order to make partner, or even junior partner, and that’s not where my passion is. I could do prep work for court cases, and maybe eventually back up Alistair or Nando in the courtroom, but I much prefer working behind the scenes on contracts. Which means no promotions.”

“That sucks.”

Gunnar’s bluntness makes me laugh because it’s so refreshing. “Sometimes. But I get merit raises, and the work is enjoyable. It’s enough.”

For the next few hours, we chat with the other guests, and everyone is incredibly kind and giving of their time. There are only a few others here who aren’t part of the executive team, and we’re all taking advantage of the opportunity to make connections. It’s been a surprisingly enjoyable evening. I should have known it was too good to last.

On my way back from the bathroom, I see Victoria in the kitchen. I consider turning around, but she pins me with a stare and stalks toward me. “Ingratiating yourself with Alistair and Nando won’t help you keep Hibernian Press as your account.” Her words are carefully enunciated, and her usual sneer of disdain is now undisguised loathing. I glance at her mostly empty wine glass and wonder if that’s the cause.

I’m baffled as to why she hates me so much, but I’m also tired of dancing around the issue. “Not that I’m doing anything of the kind, but why is that?”

Her bright red lips curve into a sneer. “Because it will be Victor’s account.” She crosses her arms over her chest. “As my nephew, he needs higher profile clients. You have no connections, and they’re too important a client for a nobody to handle their account.”

At that moment, I feel incredibly sad for her and for Victor. Maybe it’s because I’m having such a lovely evening, this particular moment aside. Or maybe it’s because I’m still riding the high of Alistair and Nando’s praise. But I don’t actually hate either of the Knobbs at this moment. “Victoria, it’s sad that you are so angry all the time. That must be such a lonely way to live. And I think Victor would be happier if heearnedhigher profile accounts rather than having them handed to him. You aren’t doing him any favors.”

A choking sound comes from the doorway, and I glance over to see Gunnar holding back a laugh. He clears his throat and walks toward me. “Everything okay?”

I turn away from Victoria, who is gaping at me, and meet Gunnar halfway, slipping my arms around his waist. “Yes. But I think it might be time to go home before that changes.”

Gunnar eyes Victoria again and nods. “Okay with me.”

We head back onto the patio to say our goodbyes. “Alistair, thank you so much for inviting us tonight. We had a wonderful time.”

Alistair extends his hand, first to me and then to Gunnar. “I’m glad you both could make it. You’ll have to come to the next one, too.”

“Thank you. We’d love that.” I take Gunnar’s hand and lead him back inside. We stop to get our coats, and by the time we have them on and step out the front door, the valet has Gunnar’s car waiting. As we drive to my loft, his hand rests on my thigh, steady and stationary. I try to be equally reserved but fail spectacularly. My fingers ghost over his denim-covered thigh, drawing lazy patterns against the fabric, drifting a little higher with each stroke. He covers my hand with his and brings it to his lips, kissing my knuckles. By the time we pull into the garage and get out of the car, the sexual tension is thick enough to cut with a knife. Gunnar holds my hand as he walks me to the elevator, pulling me close before I can tap my card against the reader. “It was a fun evening.”

“It was.” I wrap my arms around him and press up on my toes to brush my lips against his. “Are you sure you won’t come up?”

He pulls me closer as our brief kisses begin to linger. “I want to, Joce. I do.” He slides his hand along my jaw and cradles my face in his palm. “We need to talk about a few things before we go any further, though.”

It’s the responsible thing to do. I know it is. It doesn’t make it any easier to rein in my desire or to wait. But there are two of us in this new relationship, and I should respect his boundaries. I take a step back, putting a little breathing room between us. “Yes, we do.”

Gunnar’s expression is serious, and I try not to think about how sexy his little scowl is. “So, I haven’t been with anyone since a one-night hookup with my ex-girlfriend about nine months ago. Before you wonder, it wasn’t a ‘let’s get back together’ kind of thing. She was connecting through Seattle on her way to Vancouver. We used a condom, and I got tested after. Everything came back negative, and I haven’t been with anyone since. I’d rather go without than hook up with a stranger.” He quirks his lips. “I’m sure you’ve heard I’m not the easiest person to be around.”

I step closer and smooth down the front of his jacket. I’d heard about his mercurial temper, but I can’t reconcile that with the Gunnar I know. “So, how long were you and your girlfriend together?”

“We dated exclusively during my junior and senior year of undergrad. Mostly because I liked her, and the access to sex was convenient.” I must make a face because he rushes to explain. “I didn’t know that’s all it was at the time.” He rubs his neck and grimaces. “I may be an ass, but I don’t think I’m cruel. And I really wanted it to work. But now I can see that, although I loved her, I wasn’tinlove with her, if that makes any sense.” I nod because yes, it does. Those are very distinct things. “In graduate school, I realized I was more attracted to guys, and things kind of went south after that. We have… had… a sort of standing ‘thing’ whenever she connected through Seattle. Only if neither of us was seeing anyone, of course. We’d get together and let off some steam. But she doesn’t come through town often. And now…” He squeezes my hip. “Well, I don’t think I’ll be seeing her again. Not like that.”

The implication makes my belly swoop, and I exhale, unsure why I’ve been holding my breath. Though I’ll admit hearing Gunnar say he hasn’t been with anyone recently and isn’t into one-night stands makes me happy. “Okay. That’s good to know.”

He gazes down at me expectantly, and I suppose it’s my turn. “There were a few guys in college but only one serious boyfriend. That lasted about six months. No one could put up with all my studying and the strange hours I’d be in the library. Most thought I was making excuses and sneaking around with someone else.” I shrug. “I got tested after each encounter. There have been a few hookups but nothing recently. I haven’t been with anyone in about a year. I just haven’t had time for a relationship. And I’m not really into sex without feelings.” Gunnar smiles down at me, and before I think about it, I reach out and brush a stray lock of hair from his forehead. “So, neither one of us has had lots of hookups. And none lately.”

He leans into my touch, and it makes my chest feel full. “That’s what it sounds like. But, Joce, would you get tested again with me? I think we’d both feel better if we knew for sure. At any rate, I would.”

I press up on my toes and kiss his perfectly soft lips. He is so sweet it makes my heart ache. “I will absolutely get tested with you. Do you want to go to the LGBTQ center in Capitol Hill tomorrow? They do testing there. No sense in delaying, right?”

“Right.” Gunnar takes both of my hands and kisses them. “But…”

I grin wryly. “But the mood is dead.”
