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He nods, his glare not leaving mine.

“Thank you.” She carefully opens the package, not a rip in the seaweed covering. Like my Nanna. I lean forward, wanting her to get it open.

“Oh, it’s a science notebook.” She’s flipping through it, Nico standing over her shoulder.

But Nico snags it from Annabelle’s hands. “Where did you get this?” He thunders around a stack of boxes to the kitchen island. The kitchen is open to the living room. This apartment is way more human than Dorian, that’s for sure.

“Nico?” Annabelle voice squeaks.

“I’ll give it back to you.” He turns to her, and his expression momentarily softens. “Where?” He’s turning the pages with care. A nod of his head, and he’s called Holter over to the other side of him. Holter angles the book to himself.

“I bought—”

“This is Richeal’s. Our mother’s. Where did you get this?” Holter taps the cover of the book.

“As I was trying to say”—I catch Annabelle’s eyes and try to get her to help me out—“I bought it at the bookstall in the market. Yesterday.” The last thing I need is for them to accuse me of stealing something of their long dead mother’s. The second book is back in my apartment—it wasn’t nearly as interesting.

“This is definitely hers,” Holter says. “I thought Muster had all her books still up in their apartment.”

“I did too.” Nico’s looking from me to the notebook and to Annabelle.

“I didn’t steal it. I promise, I had to pry it out of the bookseller’s hands. He didn’t want to let me buy it.” I make eyes at Annabelle again. I’ve already thought of how I’ll get her out of the way and defend myself if it comes to it.

“It’s a really gracious gift. Thank you.” But she’s moved away from it.

“Excuse me. That’s everything.” The delivery male hands his tablet to Annabelle for her to sign. “Leave the covers outside your door, and I’ll send someone to come get them tomorrow. It was really nice to meet both of the heroes of Hestertåtten.” He inclines his head, and his orange ribbons swing over his ear. “Have a good Vividaria Festival.”

“You too. I look forward to meeting your daughter.” Annabelle smiles.

Holter closes and locks the door behind the last of the crew. Of course she made friends with the delivery people. That’s the sort of person she is, caring, giving of herself. I knew it the first time I saw her at the ball. Not a selfish bone in her body. Which, for a mermaid, could be a problem. They need to be the queen of their pod, taking the attention and love of all their mates. Putting themselves first. But I can see by the way she moves, her empathy for both Nico and Holter is strong.

I glance at the back of Nico’s dark head. It’s going to gut her when I kill him. Maybe I don’t have to kill him. Is there even a way that I can make that happen? But I need to know when he’s going.

Saving Nico might even make him like me enough to not veto me joining the pod. Plus, our quarrel is decades old. He can’t still be angry?

He turns. His amber eyes narrow at me.

Or maybe he still is.



I’m fluttering. Pacing around the room. It’s something I always do when I don’t know what to do. I’m on edge. The three of them in the same room? It’s like a ticking time bomb, and I’m the bomb.

Another pace around by the kitchen island. It used to drive my uncle crazy. He’d scream and slap his fist on a table. “Don’t wear a trough on the floor, girl.” I’d push my feet into my boots, the back door slamming behind me. I’d walk and walk, passing all our hayfields, acre after acre, until I had to turn around or end up in town. But there’s no walking like that here. Maybe at the market, but there would be too many eyes on me. I’m not sure I can do this. Live here.

Eros cocks his head at me, and the golden light fixture above the island makes his dark brown hair look even softer. I want to run my fingers through it. Instead, I wrap my arms around my waist and pace. I glance out at the sharks. They’re doing the same thing along the edge of the long window. Tracking me. The same as the males in the room. Holter is reviewing the invoice the delivery guy left on his block. But I know if I even so much as hiccup, he’ll be by my side. My eyes flick from Nico to Eros.

Because I want him. And when I say him, I mean them. Like my body is doing its own talking. I should listen. No, I shouldn’t. And that’s why I’m pacing between the island and the boxes.

“We should unpack the boxes.” I tap one. “No, that’s rude. Sorry Eros. Do you want to see Mickey?”

Eros’s face lights up. “It’s not rude. I would be grateful to help you unpack your boxes, if you like.”

“He doesn’t want to unpack your boxes, Annabelle. He wants to fuck you,” Nico growls.

“What? Nico?” I’m across the room and want to push him out of the way and let him know he’s wrong. I mean, he’s not wrong. But I can’t say that’s what I want too.
