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I cross my arms, not sure why I’m still standing there. And I’m not sure if by golden hand he means Nico’s or Castor’s. Either way, it doesn’t matter. Because I have a very strong suspicion he’s wrong. This isn’t going to go well for Nico. At all.

“Oh, come on. You’re really worried? You, if anyone, should know that Nico always swims away from any trouble.” Eros cranes his head around the room. “I didn’t see Alder or Muster.”

“Muster is on theOmicron.”

“Oh, right, I always forget he stayed in the military. But Nico? Now that he’s got a mate, guess he’ll give it up.”

I unsuccessfully keep the shock off my face. I hadn’t even thought of what might come next for Nico if he is able to keep Annabelle. Nico without a ship is like... a fish out of water. Imagining him staying in the Veiled City? No, I can’t. He’s bound to life with his crew and duty to the nation. Although, I suppose he’s going to have to do something. If he gets through this, he’s going to need to be here for Annabelle. I can stay. It’s such a forceful thought I lose track of Eros’s talking. Because of course he is. He’s always talking.

“Where are you going? I’ve got a private transport out front.” He motions to the main entrance.

I steady my breath. I don’t want to get Eros involved in this. He has a way of making things about him; the squid wasn’t wrong. Eros has a tendency to be the last person to be seen with people who go missing. But fuck, he’s also the son of one of the highest-ranked mermaids in Zaffiro. “I’m heading back to Glyden.” To see where Alder is and if he’s already got a plan. But I’m not telling Eros that.

“Perfect. I’ll take you.”

“Eros, what’s in it for you?” Because there’s always something in it for him.

“For me?” He smooths back his brown hair. His hazel eyes dart around the room. “Nothing. I’m simply helping an old friend out.”

I smell rotting fish. “Whale dick.”

He roars with laughter, calling the attention of everyone around us. “He’s such a funny fellow. Good old Holter.” Eros puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me back to the main entrance.

I wait until the people around us stop watching and peel out from under his arm. “I don’t have time for you or your ride, Eros. I need to get there now. I’ve already mucked about enough.”

We’re near the side entrance where the port locks are. Vehicles float in a canal before the water lock. Most large domes have a canal, docks really, for the multiple airlocks that let our version of cars access the buildings without the passenger getting wet.

“That’s my ride there.” Eros wiggles his forehead at me, shaking his hair back and forward.


“She’s nice. We’ll go right over the rest of those old tin cans. Even city transport isn’t going to get you there faster.”

Every second I fight with Eros is another minute I waste not knowing where Alder is. “Thanks.” But it comes out more likefine. Orshut the fuck up. Take your pick.

He smirks at me and jumps in without opening the door. I walk around back and open the passenger door of the blacksoloand slide into the expensive beast. The dome closes over us, and it is nice. And then we’re off, zipping past huge, slow pod models. Its maneuverability has him able to squeeze into the smaller waterways of the city, places meant for only swimming in fluke. Because Eros doesn’t follow any of the rules. Why would he? He’s Eros Herod. Able to use his charisma to get out of things in a single bound.

“You want to know what’s in it for me?”



Now it’s me laughing. “You might have been friends with Nico in school. But that was a long time ago.” The two of them had a well-deserved falling out.

“True.” Eros focuses on piloting thesolo. I sink lower into the plush seats. The glaring stares of the mermen swimming along the small inner routes isn’t something I want to come back to me. But Eros’s route is faster than anything I could have taken on my own. He pilots into the visiting deck parking of the Glyden Dome.

“Thanks, Eros.” There’s a little less venom in my tone this time. But I’m not sure it matters. He’s climbing out too. “What are you doing?”

“Coming in.”


“I want to meet her. I find humans fascinating.”

“There it is.”

