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“Don’t leave it on the bed,” Holter says.

“Unless you’re fucking someone with it.” I’ve never heard Annabelle curse before.

“Belle, that was a ceremonial one. Nico was presented with it after the battle of Hestertåtten.”

“It felt pretty real to me.” She rushes to the valet stand. “My dress is here already?” She runs her hand over the silken trim of the dark dress. “What are these? I only bought one gown. They’re pretty, though. I did ask for some everyday clothes. But these aren’t everyday clothes.” She holds up one of the lighter blue gowns.

I hold my hands up. “It looks like my mother wanted to add to the selection.”

“Are these real diamonds?” Annabelle fingers the top of the dress.

“Yes, along with silver leaves and pearls. She’s playing it up to get you a mate from each of the original dome houses.”

“It’s pretty.” She glances up, her mouth hanging open. “Ten mates?”

I laugh. “No, there are four original domes.”

“Somehow four seems a lot better after I was thinking ten.” She lets out a sigh. “This really is gorgeous.”

“Prettier than anything she bought for Kai,” I add.

“But I like the one I bought. It’s not that these aren’t pretty.”

“I’m sure she’ll understand. Ophelia likes to be in charge, but she’s also understanding. She wouldn’t have sent you out if she didn’t want you to have a choice.” I’m not going to mention that the gown she picked is the exact one I would have picked for her. I’ve caused enough confusion in the female for a lifetime. “Have you eaten lunch?”

“Yes, Holter took me to the Reef Club.”

“Reef? That’s an experience.”

Holter gives me the side-eye. It clearly wasn’t his idea. Being seen at the Reef Club is a popular thing for young mermaids looking to expand their pods to do. It’s loud and smelly.

“It was. We didn’t stay long.” Annabelle gives a shudder. Goosebumps rise on her bare arms. “I’m not sure it’s somewhere I’d want to go again.”

“I’m not taking her there again without both you and Nico,” says Holter. “Where is Nico?”

“He’s working out.”

“Working out.” Annabelle jumps over to her package. “We should go find him.”

“What is that?” I point to the only item she brought back from her shopping trip herself.

“She bought a trident.” Holter steps back.

“What? No.” I stomp over to the white bag, but Annabelle snatches it up before I get there.

“I want protection.”

Fuck, I want to say she has me. But she doesn’t. “Holter will protect you.”

“Holter works in the military, and from what the people at the Reef Club said, they’re not exactly home much. How is he going to protect me when he’s on theCentauri?”

“I’ll find something else to do. I can always cook.” Holter rubs the back of his neck.

Now it’s my turn to be shocked. Sure, Holter cooks on theCentauri, but that’s more of an honorary role than his job.

“You are a good cook.” Annabelle smiles, like she hasn’t insulted one of our most decorated military mermen.

“I like cooking for you.” Holter touches her shoulder.
