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“I’m not a genius, but I do like learning. Learning the steps was the hardest part for me.”

“And you didn’t have problems going through the change on a—”

Ophelia raises her hand, and the Koralli duchess steps back. With a quick bow, she disappears into the crowd.

A bell rings by the door. Ophelia clears her throat. “Mermaids, it is time we go to the ball.” Ophelia, Kai, and I stand by the door until the last stragglers leave the room. By the time we arrive at the elevators, Augustine has one waiting for us.

I catch my reflection in the golden door as it closes. My heart beats so fast. I don’t recognize the woman looking back at me.Play the game. Make it home.



Ophelia’s a traditional female. But she also has a sense of humor tempered by a mean streak. There are two orchestras set up in the great Glyden Dome. The conch shell one is playing now.

I turn to Castor, who looks more nervous than Nico. “I bet you twenty pieces of gold that as soon as the duchess turns up, the conchs walk out.” It’s a hefty sum for me. But for Castor it’s nothing.

“I don’t give gold away for free.” He manages a laugh.

The Glyden Dome has been turned into even more of a showstopper. If you had ear plugs, you might think the room was Valhalla. Around the golden ribs of the four-story structure, a sparkling organza is wrapped. Gold stars twinkle in amongst the drapes of fabric. Outside, the aquarium keeper has moved in a bloom of iridescent jellyfish. They are vibrating to what little rhythm the conch orchestra has. There’s every type of delicacy you could imagine. From hodge-tots to caviar and some human food I don’t recognize. Ophelia is trying her hardest to make the population understand the importance of bringing in human mermaids. This gene is going to save us, not change how our society runs. That’s the story Ophelia is trying to push to the masses.

“I like the conch orchestra. It’s moving,” Nico says.

Gunther, one of the cooks from the Centauri, is walking by when Nico says that. He stops in his tracks. “You like the orchestra, Commander? I prefer human pop music. There is a particular artist called Taylor Swift. I enjoy her music.”

Nico humphs. “I like traditional music.”

Gunther nods and walks away.

“When are they going to get here?” Castor’s sweating, his block in his hand.

Soren mulls around the outskirts of our group. All of Castor’s brothers are here except Nole, Cyprus, and Emilios who are serving aboard theOmicron.

Soren looks as nervous as Castor.

I elbow Soren in the ribs. “You’re fine.”

“I’m just so damn nervous. I don’t want Yana to change her mind. I’m her fourth. And you know what they say about being the fourth.”

I nod. It’s important. Most mermaids don’t conceive until they have four mates. It’s also a hard spot to be in because the pod is established and there are expectations from family members to hurry up and make a podlet. He’s holding his block in his hand. Most of the males are. It’s a race to get the dance spots of the most popular mermaids—or any mermaids.

“They are taking forever.” Castor glances at the tunnel the females will come through. “I’m contacting my mother. This is ridiculous.”

Castor’s brothers, Jonas and Norwood, stare at him.

“No.” Norwood takes Castor’s block from his brother’s hand. “Are you out of your freaking mind? I’m not listening to her complain about you for the next two cycles. Cool the shrimp shells down.”

Through the tunnel, the females start pouring out. The wretched conch noise stops, and the other orchestra plays a classical piece written by a great Dorian composer. Norwood hands Castor back his block.

Nico’s at Castor’s shoulder. As a mate, he gets an automatic dance with Annabelle. The rest will be up to Ophelia.

I put my block away. I normally don’t dance at these things. I prefer to watch. Wait. See who’s interested in me. Who’s ready to add ageminae. Who wants an extra to warm their bed for a night. And it’s a good thing I’m practicing waiting. Because I’m going to wait for Belle forever. She’s the one I want, forever. Belle pulls at me. She doesn’t look at me like ageminaeafterthought. I’m hers, and she knows it. She trusts me, and I will never let her down.

While all the other unmated males are watching their blocks, fingers flying, my eyes are trained on where the room joins with the main tower. I’m searching the sea of taffeta and silk for only one blonde head.

“Aren’t you going to dance with anyone?” Jonas glances up from his block. He’s talking to me or Castor, I’m not sure.

“Not planning on it,” I answer. “You?”
