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“Damn. I didn’t think that was possible,” the pilot says.

“You’re sure she’s a mermaid? I hear the Skyrats, some of them live with humans. Even mate with their females. But they don’t turn.” The Vitrom is holding the trident in his hand loosely. If I wanted to, I could turn it on him and have this vehicle in a minute. But I don’t want it. I’ll give my life for the future of our nation. Around the corner, the Glyden Dome gleams in all its glory, the finest of buildings in all of Dorian.

“Yes, I’m sure she’s a mermaid. Her gills kept her from drowning. Half a mile in the harbor and the cold Atlantic waters. No human could hold their breath that long.”

“That’s a long swim for a human,” the pilot adds.

I nod, not wanting to get into Annabelle not having a fluke yet.

“Yes,” the Vitrom agrees.

I take a shallow breath; small talk isn’t something I do. “Are you mated?” I damn well know he’s not.


“We found others in America like Annabelle. Those who have the special gene that gives them the ability to turn into not only a mate, but a mermaid.”

“There are others? You’re certain?” the pilot asks. He nearly hits a passing trawler full of goods.

“Shit. Merrick, watch where you’re steering this thing. It’s a shipwreck of junk, but I don’t want it coming out of my pay.”

“Damn. That was close.”

I stare back at the puddle on the floor. Thisomada aguvan bajeskåfis a piece of shit. It belongs stripped at the bottom of the ocean to make a base for a new coral reef. Perhaps not all mermen should mate.

Merrick steers us into the visitor lot of the Glyden Dome. I stare at him. I assumed he’d use the freight entrance, not the main door. “Docking at the freight entrance is easier to maneuver.”

“Are you questioning my piloting skills? That was one slip-up. We’ve got orders, front entrance only.” He drives through the airlock into the grand canal in front of the dome. There are dozens ofsolosparked around the canal. Merrick has to fight for a space close to the dock.

Front entrance only. Some think me being escorted in will humiliate me. Like I fucking care.

Rigging secured, the Vitrom reaches for my arm, but I stand before he touches me. The air of the Glyden has a certain sweet and fresh lemon scent. It makes me feel anxious. I’ve just stepped on the dock of the dome, and already I want to leave. I love my nation, but I prefer to serve from the inside of a sub. I’ve changed the direction of the Veiled City and I sure as hell want it to work.

There are still people milling about the lobby of the building, all dressed in their finest clothing. Cocktails in hand. Anything for a party. I scan the crowd for a certain head of blonde tendrils, and I’m both saddened and relieved when I don’t find Annabelle. I don’t want her to see me like this, guards at my side.

It’s important that others meet her and get to know the possibilities of a better future. But also, I want to hide her away under lock and key and keep all the vultures away from her. Fuck. I’ve got a lot to do. And it’s all the things I hate.

I nod to the crowd as it parts for me. The guards stay a few feet away, giving me room to shake a few hands on the way to the elevator. None of them are too sure if they want to be seen shaking my hand. Am I the celebrated commander of theCentaurior the accused criminal who mated a human? I give the biggest arm shakes to all. These are the people I’m going to have to trust to take care of Annabelle. The ones I need to pick up my ideals and run with it.

Castor’s brother makes a run at me. “Nico.” He skips my outstretched hand and heads right in for a hug. It’s a vast difference from the formal nods and commands I’ve received.

“Gotham, you look good.” And he does. Last I remembered, he still looked like a minnow.

“I can’t believe it. You’re a mated male. I never thought I’d see the day. I thought for sure you and Holter would roam the seas for the rest of your lives, leaving Castor to work himself to death.”

“Yes, well, Castor is free to do that.”

He laughs. “Everyone is upstairs. Are you coming? Castor took your mate to Mother’s.”

A Glyden elder steps to my side.

“Soon.” I long to see Annabelle, but this is important.

After a few minutes, Merrick steps forward. I’ll give it to the guy. He doesn’t say cut it short, but I get it. House arrest doesn’t mean the lobby of the Glyden Dome. I’ve already gotten more time to change a few minds. The lift doors are sliding shut when Pertusio jumps in with the guards and me. He’s a Glyden bureaucrat. The rest of the gathering continues with hardly anyone noticing I’ve left.


