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Out of the hallway from the bedroom, I wave. She’s lovely and sad. The tunic that had fit her perfectly in the store less than a week ago hangs from her body.

“Come here.” I open my arms, and she steps into them. I should hate this, every second of it. My friend and my pod brother are gone. But I have her, at least for a little while. To myself. She puts her head on my shoulder, and I wrap my arms around her. “How did you sleep?”

“I’m not sure I did. Is there any change in Alder?”

“No. I’ll tell you if I hear anything.” I give her a squeeze and let her go. “There’s a package from Castor on the counter.” He hasn’t come around in the last few days, but the packages arrive like clockwork.

Her eyes flick to it. But she doesn’t go to it.

“Open this one, Belle. You’ll like it.” He told me what it was because I had to order a few extra supplies.

“Okay.” She shuffles over to it, pulling the cloth bow off and out of its sack. “A coffee maker and coffee!” She huffs the beans with her nose. In a whirlwind of activity, she gets her caffeine ready. I’ve never understood the draw. But Belle’s enthusiasm is contagious. “Do you want me to make you some?”

“There’s only a little. You enjoy it.” I had it in Boston and had started to enjoy it. It was a lot different than what we have here. Our farm domes grow many exotic things, but the beans we have aren’t anywhere near what the humans have.

“I want you to have some. But maybe I should save this for a special occasion...”

“You do not need to hoard your coffee, Belle. Between you and Castor, you could buy half the planet if you wanted to.”

“I... I know you’ve said that, but it’s hard to remember.”

“It’s hard to remember because you don’t believe me. I’ll take you to the bank anytime you want, and you can let them tell you. Enjoy your coffee.”

Her eyes widen, but she gives me a quiet nod, one of the ones where I always wish I could hear her thoughts when she does it. I leave her to it, sitting in the living room and watching her skitter all around performing the ritual of her brew. I flip through my block, and there’s a message. Today’s the day. ThePleiadeswill take Nico to the chasm. There will be a small crew, a judge, and a selection of governors. Nole isn’t here, so the next highest Glyden male will take his place. Castor. The governors are meeting to discuss what to do with Belle. I’m to bring her to an assembly today after the launch. A launch that she’s not invited to, and neither am I.

“What’s going on?” she asks in a small voice.

“How’s your coffee?”

“Don’t you answer a question with a question to me, Holter. What were you reading on your block? Is it about Nico?”


“And what did it say?”

“Today’s the day.”

“Oh. And you’re sure there’s no way for us to help him or talk to him before he goes?” Her volume rises from soft to frustrated.

We’ve talked this through a number of times. She’s come up with creative ideas that would get us both killed. I shake my head. “And the governors want to meet with you later today.”

“I bet they do. They want to see what high bidder they can sell me off to. Well, I’m not having it. I’m not going to spread my legs because they tell me to. You can mate me first.”

“Belle.” My tone is low and rough.

“I don’t care about the station or society.”

“But you’re going to have to.”

“Says who?”

I let out a long sigh. Because she sounds a lot like Muster, my other dad. He doesn’t like the rules or regulations of Dorian society either.Let a dolphin fuck themis his favorite phrase. And where has it gotten him? A job he doesn’t like on theOmicron.

“Belle. I’m trying to keep you safe.”

“It’s a little late for that.” She pinches her nose. “I’m sorry, Holter. Let me drink this. I’ll become a completely different person.”

“I’m not sure I like that idea.”
