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Shh, don’t tell Mother. She doesn’t know.Milo shrugs.

I also know he paid for it not twice but three times. But I’m not telling him that because he told Kai and Kai told me. If my sister finds out I spilled the shrimp shells to him, she’ll explode. And I don’t have time for her mates knocking on my office door right now.

That’s what I thought,I say.I didn’t get my first tattoo until I was out of university. Mother is old-fashioned that way. When Nole got his in high school, she flipped.

Milo nods at me and turns to Annabelle.What did you get? Oh, I know, a starfish.

Starfish are the equivalent of a rose to humans, and Annabelle would never get a rose. At least, not one that wasn’t changed in some way.

So what is it?Milos’s eyebrows arch up.

It’s a surprise.Annabelle waves one hand around while using the other to keep the silly robe closed.

Gotcha.Milo nods.

I have no idea what he thinks he’s understood. But I would like to get that smirk off his face.Milo, give Annabelle some space.

I will, but Baba sent me to handle this. I need her to have the right training. You too, Holter.My youngest brother can be a bit over-excited about animals. But it’s the perfect job for him.

No, it’s fine. I can do this. The shakiness of her projection gives me some doubt. But then the way she swam over to the reef was impressive. Seeing her kick like she had a fluke, not two legs, is exciting. She’s definitely a mermaid.

I’m not going to let him hurt you. Holter is fluttering next to the beast.

M32 is really friendly if you work with him the right way.

But if you don’t?Annabelle grabs my hand.

I ease her back to my front, moving my fluke to keep the two of us in place.

He’s trained for protection. Milo nods. The youngling excels at his job—at least, that’s what Mother says. But then she says that about all of us.

Are you ready?I let my cheek rest on the side of Annabelle’s face.

Yes, I think so. She reaches out and runs her hand along the edge ofM32’sflank.He’s so soft.

Yes, M32 is a good boy.Milo scratches the shark on the underside of his mouth.

I’ve never cared one way or another about sharks—great whites or nurse sharks. They’re all the same to me. Something I need to swim faster than. Orcas, on the other hand . . . I hate those vile deathmongers. I’ve got my trident at my side. Numbered shark or not, if it so much as flicks a tooth at Annabelle, I’ll take the beast down.

Annabelle moves closer toM32.He likes to be scratched like this?

Yes, and you can really get in there.Milo power-scratches the shark. Annabelle copies him. And the thing looks like it wants to roll over. His tail is wagging, but that’s more to keep it afloat. I think.

What’s that in your hand? Annabelle asks.

A training wand. I point it at the perimeter he’s about to patrol. The attachment on his tail buzzes when he goes too far.

M32nips at the end of the rod that Milo is holding, and I pull Annabelle back.

He’s fine, brother. M32 just likes to play sometimes. Like this.Milo throws the rod, andM32races off, his tail whacking the side of my leg.Easy, boy.

ButM32rushes after it, catching it in his mouth. He chomps on it, and the wand now has a big bend it.

Well, he doesn’t quite get it. He’s not great at bringing things back yet.

Come, Annabelle.I hold my hand out to her, but I can feel her resistance.

Thanks for coming out. M32 will be getting a friend soon—a few, actually. But they are all like him. And you don’t need to be afraid of them.

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