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I’m more nervous than she is as the water is pushed out of the first lock. I know she’s shifted back into lungs a few times now. But I’m worried. There’s an emergency refill button, and the water doesn’t drain swiftly just for that sort of emergency. It’s a debate a lot of people have; they want it to be quick. But then sometimes podlets and the elderly don’t shift as fast. These are some of the things the king makes the final decision on; it’s not all war and ruling the governors. This is exactly the sort of thing Atlas should be here for, not off on the front lines with the Vikings in a war that will never end.

Annabelle gives a slight cough but then smiles at us both. I’ve held off shifting until the last second, just in case. I don’t know in case of what. This female drives me crazy. I want to wrap her up in bubbles and keep her safe from everything.

“You did great out there, Belle.” Holter runs his fingers through his hair.

“It was... fun. I never thought I would touch a shark or see a school of trigger fish. Their red tooth sticks out—it’s so cute. It’s magical really, and so peaceful. If I had a fluke, I might never come inside again.”

I laugh. “There are some that don’t. They spend all their time in fluke.”

“I can see why. But there are certain things I would miss. I however wouldn’t miss this wet robe.” She pulls at the wet garment, letting it fall to the ground.

Holter picks it up and wrings it out. When the door light turns green, we move into the next lock. I hit the button, closing us into the middle lock. Fresh water rains from the ceiling, rinsing the salt off us. The difference between us and the fish—I can hear my grandmother’s voice ringing in my ear. She was a great queen. My grandpa was a stoic king. He changed the education system; he lobbied to have mermaids be governors. I want to be like him. Like her.

Annabelle rinses the salt off her skin, head tilted back, pert breasts pink and pointing up. Fuck, I don’t think I’ve ever been this hard.

Holter slams his fist on the next button. And I can’t agree more.

I put my hands around Annabelle’s waist. “You are so amazing. So brilliant and resilient.”

Her blue eyes hold mine. I want her so much, but I should resist her. I’m the one who has to be strong. But when she wraps her arms around my neck, I can’t help but take control of the kiss.

Our lips clash together. Even after a swim and a shower, she smells like herself: apples. She jumps, her legs swinging around my waist, gripping against me right where I want her. The whooshing noise announces that the next door is open, and I walk carefully into the third airlock. The whooshing fans blow Annabelle’s hair around in a whirlpool around us.

Then the final door is open. I know I shouldn’t take her to her pod bed, but I can’t stop myself. I want her too much. Holter has the door open and the duvet pulled down by the time we arrive.

I lay her on the bed, and he’s behind her, his fingers skimming down her waist. She grabs his hand while I kiss down the column of her long neck to her breast. I suck her nipple into my mouth, reveling in all things that are Annabelle. I give in to the moment, shutting off the rational voice in my head that says I’m heading into dangerous territory. I let myself go.



Ishould stop Castor. But I can’t. Neither of us are worthy of Belle, but I can tell she wants us both. Her hips are pulsing, and when her backside grinds against my crotch, I wouldn’t stop her if a tidal wave was overtaking us. I need her, and from the noises she’s making, she needs us too.

“That’s it, Annabelle.” Castor has lifted his head from her breast, and he’s got his hand between her legs. “You’re such a good girl.” Girl. It’s not a word you’d call a mermaid. But Annabelle is responding to it, the way her breathing has changed.

My hands are on her ass. Her soft round globes fill my hands, and with Castor’s head traveling downward, it leaves room for me at her neck.

“I shouldn’t be this full of need.” She tilts her head at me, but I’m not tempted by it. I know where I will leave my mark on her, and it’s not here. And not yet. Years will pass, decades of tides will come and go. But I will not leave her side. She will be mine.

I lick up the tendons of her neck and suck on the soft spot behind her ear. My other hand has her hair pulled up and out of the way. The little mew she makes when I put tension on her tendrils makes me tug harder. “You can’t deny yourself. Your needs come first. Your needs, above all.” It’s true in a pod. But what of a mermaid who has only the brethrengeminaeto take care of her? Fuck. This whole thing makes my blood turn to lava. I want to murder Nico myself for leaving her in this situation. Rushing, pushing. It’s what he does best. “I can’t keep myself from you. I know that’s what you want.” Her neck twists, and her lips are on mine. The burning of what she said scalds my skin when she comes up for air. I hold her head steady and stare into her eyes.

“I don’t want to keep myself from you. I was—” Belle gasps and her hips buck up. Castor has his tongue on her clit.

“I will always want you.” Fuck, I want to clamp down on her neck. Fuck polite society. Fuck the ways of the pod, discussing bringing in another member. Nico’s not here. Nor will he be here. He’s gone in all but name. And I will mourn him. But not now. Not now.

“Hold her leg up,” Castor says, surfacing for air.

I grab her leg, which was closing around his ears, and he tucks himself even higher into her core. Belle yells, her hands in his hair. She grinds herself on his face, hips rolling, the top of her head pushing against my chest.

“That’s it, Belle. Take what you need. He’s your servant today.” I look down at Castor. He’s as gone for her as I am. And hell, I wonder if we might end up with another single king after Atlas. I hold her shoulders down as she thrashes out her release. Her aftershocks quake through her body. Her eyes are squeezed tightly shut.

“That was something.” Her blue eyes are sealed shut. “I’m so sleepy.” She reaches for me, but I hold her hand. I will totally shut Castor down if his cock gets anywhere near her. Swimming without a fluke has to be hard. It’s not something I’ve done in a long while. And I was born a podlet.

“You need your rest, Belle.” With my free hand, I pull her wet hair away from her face. “I’ll make you some food. Come on out when you’re ready.”

Castor is looking at me like I’m a kraken. I stand next to the bed and cock my head at the door. He licks his lips and nods to me.

We both left our clothes in the room I’m sleeping in. It has a small bed. In the normal apartment of an established mermaid, it would be her dressing suite. But it was the only other room here that had a bed.
