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“Not confusing me. And I’m thankful for the small tokens at home. They make things easier. I don’t mean to be rude. It’s just that Nico’s right. You need to think of what your people need.”

“And that’s the only thing he was thinking of when he mated you?” Castor steps closer to her. She’s tall, but he towers over her. “Was he, Belle?”

“Don’t call me that.”

“That’s just for you and Holter?”

“He doesn’t use it as a threat.”

“I’m not using it as a threat. I asked you a question.” Castor takes her hand.

Nico’s at her back. If this were any other male, Castor would be on the ground and lacking a pulse. He shakes his head, but he doesn’t interfere. He’s letting her speak for herself, and maybe this one time, I wish he’d be a little more like his old self.

“I’m not Nico. You’ll have to ask him why he did it.” Her eyes flash.

“For crown and country? To make this place better? Or did he want you?”

“Enough.” Nico’s fists are clenched at his sides.

I’m on alert, ready to pull Belle out of the way. But why? Why wait? I put my hand out, and she takes it. I lead her back down the corridor to the pod room. The bed is so massive that it takes up most of the space. “I would never intentionally hurt you, Belle. Your time with Nico is precious.”

“I know. I’m not saying we didn’t enjoy the alone time. It’s just when I read your note, I realized that the time as a group was coming to a close as well. And it makes—”

“Everything feels so much more real.”

“It does.” They’re behind us. Belle puts her hand up. “If you’re coming in here, you have to want to be here. Want to be with me. Even if it’s for only one night. I understand you have a duty, Castor. That you can make a real change. Because this place needs it. But right now, I need you. I need all of you. And when you left...”

“I want you, Annabelle.” Castor’s eyes flick the length of her body. Having come out of the airlock, we’re both naked. And there is no doubting that Castor wants her. “You are the sexiest mermaid on the planet.”

I can’t agree more.



I’m confused beyond anything. Having time alone with Nico was nice. But my inner mermaid is in charge right now, and the metal jewelry Nico has placed between my butt cheeks is making me think of things I can’t stop. I run my hand down the center of Holter’s chest and turn to Nico.

He gives me a little nod. I’ve learned even more about things in my time here. If I’m not out training Mickey, Chompers, and Sharknado, I’m reading as much as I can get my hands on. At first it was to get Nico free, but now that I know that isn’t going to happen, it’s for my own self-preservation. They’re right, I can’t leave. I will be without a mate and, statistically, will succumb to a horrible death. I need a mate. But not just anyone. I want someone I can trust. Someone I can love.

I turn from Castor and put both my hands on Holter’s chest. He wants me, I know he does, but he’s so wrapped up in his own culture he can’t see how we can be a vehicle for change too. Nico isn’t the only one who can change the nation for the better. I push my ass out, grinding it on Castor’s leg. I want him too. Even though I know it’s wrong. He’s off-limits. I respect that he has plans. I had plans too. There were a few boys back home I might have compromised for. But then what would I be? A farmer’s wife. Which is fine, great if that’s what you want to be. I never wanted that. Never even before my uncle became horrific. I never wanted that life. I wanted something bigger. Something of my own. I won’t do to Castor what others tried to do to me. But then, I’m also not going to say no to him either because I think that’s what he wants. He’s here. Holter’s here. And I’m ready for another round.

“Did you have fun?” I lick up the side of Holter’s neck. They’ve come from the ocean and the desalination unit of the airlock, but I can still pick out other scents coming from both of them. Or maybe it’s just my imagination. I suck on Holter’s ear. He still hasn’t touched me. Neither of them have. And I’m trying not to take it personally.

“No way they had as much fun as we did. But the night is still young.” Nico’s voice echoes in the hallway.

And with that, there’s a plethora of hands on me.

Holter picks me up and takes me to the pod bed and throws me down. “I like the new gold jewelry you’re wearing, Belle.”

“Jewelry?” Castor says, his lips an inch away from my ear.

Holter takes my right leg in his hand and licks down from my ankle to my knee. He taps the plug in my ass, and I squirm, lifting my butt from the mattress. “Right here, Castor.”

Castor has the shell box from the bedside table in his hand. “Oh, come now, Nico. She can do better than that.” He pulls an even larger plug from the box and holds it to my lips. “Wet it well.” I lick at the cold metal before Castor pushes it into my mouth like a pacifier. I suck on it, and he pulls it out. “Well done.” My pussy contracts, reminding me I already have something back there.

He hands it to Holter, who takes out the old one. When he pulls it out, I feel empty, but not for long. He eases the monster plug slowly into place. I grit my molars as he gets it into position. Not a second after it’s in, his tongue is on my clit.

Castor’s sucking on my breast, and he’s worked the other one into a point with his pincher fingers. From how I’m pinned to the bed, I can’t see Nico. I turn my head left and right, and it’s a minute before I’m pretty sure he’s out of the room.
