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“We’ve never talked about the crash. That was wrong. Muster wanted to pretend the whole thing never happened. I should have stopped him and talked about it with you––when you were old enough. For a long time, I tried to figure out who did this to us. To your mother. When the government called it an accident, I never believed it. There was a period I thought the Drakos pod had something to do with it. A wild kraken doesn’t get through the force field without someone letting it in.”

“Do they?” I don’t believe it, but I know Holter thinks they do.

“Hell no. Just look at the way Ophelia took care of you. How she tried to be a mother to you too. All in all, she has what? Fifteen mates and fifteen podlets? And she never forgot your birthday or Holter’s.”

“Muster would say that’s guilt.” My stomach churns just like when I wake up from an episode.

“Muster is drowning in grief, always has been, and will be until his last breath. I tried to get to him. But there’s nothing that will ever heal his heart. Mine either, but I just see the world differently than him. He’s stuck in the past. I’m in the future. I’m hopeful. I’m hopeful you’re going to make it out of the chasm. You’re going to beat the darkness and come out a new male. You and your mate are going to shake this nation into the future. You and your warrior.”

“Are you doing okay, Mr. Callis?” A nurse pops his head into the room.

“Best day ever.”

“Okay, just checking.” The male eyes me like I’m going to cause my dad to backslide into a coma.

“I suppose you want to know about the attack?” says Alder.

I nod. “Can you remember anything?”

“I’ve been trying to. I wanted to take notes, but they won’t let me have my block. The night nurse slipped me a scrap of paper and a pen, though. It reminded me of your mother, and I started crying like a podlet. He took it away, and I had to beg for it back. Beg. Alder Callis doesn’t beg. But I did.” He reaches under his pillow and takes out a scrap of paper. “When I snatched you out of thesolobefore the vehicle was crushed by the kraken, we’d been to a ball hosted at the Braesen Dome. When we left, we took the Drakossolo. Ophelia insisted. You were playing with that friend of yours, but Castor had stayed home. They’d just bought a biggersolo. Your mother and Ophelia were such good friends.”

I glance at the clock on the wall. They’re going to ask me to leave soon. He’s getting confused. I’m going to need to keep him focused. “Dad, I’m not asking about the kraken attack. I’m asking about the shark that attacked you. Last week.”

“I wasn’t attacked by a shark, Nico. It was a kraken. I mean, I only saw it for a second. But I know the difference between the two.”

“Not a shark?”

“I’ve had a nine in basic animals since I was a podlet. My own mother, your nana, used to joke that I should have been born a Braesen because of my high marks. Yes, Nico, I know the difference between a kraken and a shark.” He’s almost shouting.

“That’s interesting.” I squeeze his hand to try and calm him down.

The same nurse ducks his head in, but this time runs a medical wand over Alder’s chest. “I’m thinking that’s going to be enough visitation for the day.”

“Okay. I...” What do I say to him? I may never see him again.

“I will see you when you return with the trident, son.”

I nod. He squeezes my hand again.

“Time to go, Commander.”

When I take my hand back, Dad has put his paper in it. I pocket it carefully to read later.

“Love you, son.”

“I love you too.” My chest tightens as I make my way out of the hospital.



Nico’s at the hospital. Waiting. He wants to know what happened, or at least what Alder remembers. But they’ve been clear that only one of us can be there at a time, and only for a little while. It may or may not have something to do with the fact that we got into a fight with each other a few years back while visiting Father. Munster, who can’t come home from theOmicron. Who barely answers my messages. Whom I have a feeling wouldn’t mind if Dad passed away because it would mean the end for him too.

Father’s taking the whole thing with Nico with his normal stoic silence. Which is downright infuriating. But I understand. He’s lived his life for a long time forgetting he has children. Or that anyone else depends on him, cares for him.

Belle’s in the pod room, still asleep, when the message from Castor comes in.

She said she doesn’t want any more gifts from me... but she needs more things for the apartment and more clothes.
