Page 50 of Hook-up to Holidate

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Dean Bariel hands over the earrings and then looks at Adeib, who is holding fuzzy socks. “Only because I pity the feetless.”

It goes on like this for a while, people stealing one another’s gifts, until finally it’s my turn. I walk up to Vega and gesture for her to hand it over. “Earrings, please,” I say, just as she did.

She grins and presents the earrings to me. I take out my hoops and put them in. I’m wearing a tight, purple, crushed velvet dress, and they match perfectly. Doing a little spin, everyone hoots and hollers as I show them off.

“Thank you,” I say and lean down to kiss her.

It’s already too late when I remember that everyone else is there too.

Alitha shakes her head, smiling.

“Surprise!” Vega says, as if we had the entire thing planned, and we all start laughing.

Dr. Lothial tells us a story of when she played a similar gift exchange game years ago with some friends that resulted in two brothers getting into a fist fight. Everyone continues eating and laughing, and Aura tells us about the meanings of the songs she picked for tonight’s playlist. Dean Bariel gives us another update on the secondary campus, and we all have a jolly good time.

After a while, things start to settle down, and people go home. Most of our coworkers with kids didn’t come, and I think about how maybe next year we could do something more family friendly, or have a separate event for families. Vega and Alitha stay behind to help me clean up.

“You really went from having your future-girlfriend as your boss, to your best friend being your boss,” Vega says suddenly.

“What can I say, I like who I work with.” I giggle.

“Good luck though; I’m sure Alitha is a lot tougher than me.”

“I think I’ll be okay,” I look at Alitha, who smiles.

“I hope next year I have someone to bring,” Alitha says, and I realize something… I’ve never seen her date anyone.

“I’m sure you will,” I assure her.

“Just not any from Augury.”

* * *

Standing in the Illusionary Jungle, we watch Alitha drive away. I go to move, but Vega stops me.

“Nuh-uh. Look up,” she says, and I do.

There’s a little bunch of greenery with white berries, wrapped in a bright red bow. Mistletoe. Vega grabs me by the hips, pulling me into her warm embrace. She dips down, kissing me fiercely. I’d pity how bad she has to crane her neck to reach me if I didn’t know how much she enjoyed our height difference. A pink flush spreads across my cheeks, and I swear I can see some in the green of hers too.

A singular snowflake falls, and I put out my hands to catch it.

“I learned a trick or two from the illusionary mages,” she says with a wink.

“Did you get your Christmas wish?”

“Better,” I say as Momiji and Freja finally fly down to be with us. “I got you.”



Sittingin Vega’s lap on my living room floor next to the Christmas tree, we open our gifts. Vega starts with the big box I got her, unwrapping it to reveal a machine that makes both coffee and hot chocolate.

“You love it so much, I figured you could make it at home too,” I say, turning to kiss her on the cheek. “Okay, open the other one.”

“So bossy,” she teases as she reaches for the smaller box. Unwrapping it, she sees the snowglobe. It’s from Winter Wonderland’s gift shop. “Indigo, it’s perfect.”

“I think it might make music, but I can’t remember. You should check the bottom,” I lie.
