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hey indie, please don’t apologize. life is what happens between your plans. i want to see you again soon too. i start a new job this week and it’ll likely be hectic. rain check for a date? it’ll have to be a few weeks, but if you are willing to wait i’ll make it worth your while.

Hell on earth.

“Hand me your phone,” Dahlia says as she grabs for it. “Please don’t apologize,” she starts in a deep, masculine voice. “Life is what—”

I snatch the phone out of her hands. “Give me that! Don’t read my messages.”

“Okay, but what did she say?” Alitha asks. She turns, and we realize our server has been standing there, listening to our conversation. He’s young, maybe sixteen, and has been adorably polite… why is he acting weird all of a sudden?

“Eavesdropping?” Dahlia asks, her voice coy.

He shakes his head nervously. “No ma’am, I just—are you all enjoying your meal?”

“Yes, we are. Thank you,” Dahlia replies.

He pushes the brown strands of hair behind his ears. “Excuse me, are you Iris Watson?” He stares, big blue eyes staring down at me with excitement. “I didn’t know you dyed your hair.”

“I’m not,” I say, already over this conversation. “I’m her sister, Indigo.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you were—anyway, would you tell her she’s amazing? I mean, really, my dad’s cancer stayed in remission after using her treatment.” The server is beaming with joy, and I can’t bring myself to crush his spirit.

“I’ll tell her a server at Sunshine & Fries said she changed his dad’s life!” I say, though I most definitely won’t. Iris and I don’t speak these days. We didn’t have a falling out. She’s just too famous for little, old me, and I don’t want to appear desperate. I went away to college early and stopped reaching out—it would be weird for me to contact her now. I don’t want her fortune, and I am happy for her success… she’s really helping people—

“Indigo?” Alitha asks, breaking me from my train of thoughts.

“Sorry, I was spacing out again.” I shrug. “I’ll reply to V.”

My fingers shake as I type out the message.


I’ll bring an umbrella for that rain check! Feel free to text me in the meantime ;)

Alitha quietly listens while Dahlia shit talks her ex. Meanwhile, I am just sitting here, text messages open to my chat with V, waiting for her reply. I might not be desperate enough to bother my younger sister, but I am desperate for this woman. Geeze. What’s gotten into me? Lust. Pure, unadulterated lust. But there’s something more here… she saw me, not my title or connections, and that was enough. Rarely does anyone ever see justme. It’s always Professor Watson, or Iris Watson’s sister, or the bite-sized elfborn… I’m never just Indigo. V and I spent a weekend where all I had to be was me, and I think she actually liked me for who I am. I don’t know if this will go anywhere, but I have to try, right?

Ping. A new text from V. I stare at the screen.


will do! i’m starting a new job this week, like i told you, and i’m essentially the… manager. any advice on getting my subordinates to like me? i can be quite intimidating, but i want to make a good impression.

I contemplate this. What would get some employees not to fear their new orcling boss? Oooooh! I type away.


Are you good at cooking? Or baking? Bake them a treat or something that’ll show off your soft side.


you’re so good at this, indie. i’ll bake some cupcakes. ty!

The server places my check in front of me, and I look up at Dahlia and Alitha, who appear simultaneously annoyed and amused.

“You missed my entire story, didn’t you?” Dahlia asks as I place my card onto the receipt.

I scratch the back of my neck. “I’m so sorry. I’m being an ass.”

Dahlia waves her hand in the air. “Don’t be sorry, but quit acting like you’re in love. What if this woman is like a serial killer? Or what if her job is for some company that scams little, old ladies out of their money?”
