Page 119 of Savage Is My Kingdom

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Holy gods, was she beautiful.

I’d rarely seen Anaria in anything other than a shapeless sackcloth, or one of those high-necked gowns that covered every last inch of her, but what she had on today left nothing to the imagination. I plunged the sword into the ground in front of me, folded my hands over the pommel to hide my raging erection.

Tavion stared like he’d never seen her before, his gaze darkening to black, face tightening with something that looked suspiciously like…

“I said…why is Tavion bleeding?’

She was outfitted like Lyrae, but while Lyrae was a thin whip of muscle, Anaria was an absolute goddess. Her curvy hips flared out beneath the short jacket belted around her tiny waist, her breasts swelling against the leather and her long legs…the leather trousers left nothing at all to the imagination.

Fucking nothing.

The crowd was gathering and from the way the males were salivating over her ass, the view from the back was even more impressive than the front.

I’d gone down on this female.

Licked her until she’d moaned out my name, but I’d never been more aware of her than I was right now. Her silvery hair was pulled back from her perfect face, pale green eyes searching my face. But those were my teeth marks on her neck, and her smile was pure joy, as if her happiness was just for me.

“What in the name of Hades are you wearing?”

Her gaze slid away from me and narrowed on Tavion. Anaria’s smile turned to ice and she put her hands on her hips before making a quick turn, my mouth watering when I saw her ass in those pants.

Yes, I would be finding her later, that was a fucking promise.

“Why? Don’t you like it?” The temperature dropped, and I swore a shimmer of magic stained the air. “I’m tired of fighting in a dress. Tired of playing by your fucking rules. I’m trying something different. But right now, Raziel and I have to talk. Alone.Princess business. I’m sure you understand.”

I smirked at the arrogant bastard and didn’t stop smirking until he’d gathered up his belongings and stalked away. I took another look at the crowd and nodded toward the back of the Keep. “We’re moving this lesson to the practice field.” I kept my voice loud. “Restricted to military personnel only.”

“What about slaves?” Someone from the back shouted. “Aretheyallowed?”

Anaria’s smile slid off her face as she slowly turned with the predatory intent only found in a pure-blooded Fae. The crowd went silent as she prowled toward them, her movements eerily threatening. She didn’t stop until they were packed together—sheep being herded by a hungry wolf. A wolf who would devour them in one bite.

“If I hear anyone say that again, I will haul you before my father.”

I’d never heard her use that tone before.

Cold. Imperious. Cruel.

My fucking cock throbbed.

“The next time I hear the word slave come out of your mouths, I will order Crux to carve your heads from your shoulders and I will haul your corpses out of the throne room myself, leaving a river of blood behind.”

Part of me shuddered, knowing she saw that brutality every day, after what she’d endured at Solok’s hands. The other part of me…yes, I was going to make her scream my name tonight, until neither of us could fucking move.

“I will pile your bodies outside the Keep’s walls and I will let the carrion pickers have at you…if I so much as hear a single whisper disrespecting this male.”

Something inside of me shifted.

Something locked into place, every word coming out of her mouth sent my heart beating faster. My blood heated to boiling at what I saw in her eyes, heard in her voice.

“This male is worth the lot of you.” She hissed, her body vibrating with anger, the air around us thrumming with an echo of stolen power. “He is worth every fucking male in this godforsaken city and you’d best never forget it. Now go.”

The crowd scattered and I noted the faces of the ones who shot her a resentful look over their shoulders. Zor and I would be paying them a visit later.

Anaria walked back slowly, her shoulders slumping. “I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have to listen to that filth.”

I shrugged, taking in her pale face. “I’m used to it.”

“You shouldneverget used to their cruelty, Raz.Never.” Her bottom lip trembled and it was all I could do not to wrap her in my arms.
