Page 128 of Savage Is My Kingdom

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He whirled, eyes narrowing, as if I was the last person he expected to see, annoyance glinting in his gaze as he took in my harried appearance. “Ah, my adoring wife can’t let me out of her sight. Heartwarming, really.”

“Stop fucking around, Tavion.” I didn’t wait for him to come up with something clever. “I need your help. Now.”

“Hmmm.” He turned away. “Find the slave or the commander. I have places to be.”

“The Reaper’s missing. And she has Torin’s note.” I didn’t know when, exactly, Ember had become the Reaper to me, but she had. Tavion turned slowly and for a moment, fear clogged my throat. His brother had been bigger, but in that moment, Tavion grew even larger, his face darkening as he bore down on me.

“You didn’t burn it?’ His hand snapped out and grabbed my arm. “What the fuck, Anaria? How could you be so careless?”

How could I explain it was the only thing that made me feel like I mattered? Even though the words were nothing but lies, that note had given me hope when nothing else did.

“Yes, I should have burned it, but I didn’t. Now the Reaper knows everything and she’s sending a message to Solok. We have to stop her.”

“What do you expect me to do?”

“Track her. You can smell the Reaper, can’t you? Then track her through all of this.” I waved my hand at the clogged avenue. “If we find her in time, we save Torin.”And ourselves, I didn’t add, though we both knew it.

His nostrils flared and I wondered if he was smellingme, then he shook his head. “I never believed in Julian’s dream. It matters not to me what happens to the king, or Solok, or even this realm. Everything can fucking burn, as far as I’m concerned.”

I took a breath. “That’s what I thought I wanted, too. Then I realized I was wrong.” I searched his impassive face. “Help me stop Ember and I will do whatever I must to atone for Julian’s death. You want me to pay? Fine. I will pay, once we stop Solok from learning the truth.”

“You do manage to fuck everything up, don’t you?”

“If you won’t help, I’ll find her on my own.” I stepped into the crowd and he yanked me back, unfastened his cloak, turned it inside out, the plain black lining blending in with the milling crowd.

“You will abide by your word, no excuses.” His gaze was hard as stone, and I did not look away.

“I will keep my word,ifyou find the Reaper.”

While I watched, Tavion lifted his head above the crowd, above the body odor and horse dung. His nostrils flared, his face became shrouded, as if a shadow fell upon him, while the rest of the world remained in the sun.

My breath caught as his eyes darkened to a forest green, his teeth grew sharper, his features longer and I wondered what manner of wicked creature Tavion Montgomery was. “This way.”

I followed him without question, toward a part of the city I had been warned to steer clear of.

Southwell, where the witches and mages plied their craft, according to Sophie. Where unsuspecting travelers disappeared by the dozens, every full moon. The streets grew twisted and narrower, the shops stacked one upon another, each one more crowded than the last.

I jogged to keep up, the balls of my feet aching in my thin, worthless slippers, my dress soaked with sweat. But then I spotted a swish of bright red fabric, a flash of a pale thigh.

Tavion saw her too and slowed, hunching down so he didn’t loom over the crowd. “We are downwind so the Reaper won’t scent me, but we can’t afford to lose her, not if she’s heading to Master Trubahn’s.”

I didn’t know what that meant, but clearly, Tavion knew this city and I’d trust him on this, if nothing else.

The shops grew seedier, the windows filled with dead creatures that didn’t look remotely real, scrying bowls and bags of bones. Tavion stopped suddenly and I plowed into the back of him. He dragged me into a shadowy doorway, then wrapped up his cloak around us while I caught my breath.

Tavion smelled musky, a mix of musk and deep woods and something far more wolfish. I couldn’t see a thing, pressed against him like this, my fists pressed against his chest, but when Tavion relaxed, so did I.

“She went into Trubahn’s shop. I have dealt with the mage before, but he does not like me.” He pushed me further back into the shadows. “Stay out of sight. The Reaper’s dangerous, and I made quite the investment in you, Anaria. Don’t make me regret saving you today.”

I rolled my eyes, but he was right. And the information contained in that note would be treasure for our enemies. “I know. Be careful.” I bit my lip as soon as the words popped out of my mouth. Seriously, what did I care if Tavion was careful or not?

“What a sweet wife you will make.”

“Shut up and go stop her, before we’re all dead.” I shoved him out into the street, watching him stumble with no small amount of delight.

But I held my breath when he disappeared through the door. My view was blocked by the endless crowd, I couldn’t see anything, until Ember burst out of the front door and darted off to my right.

Tavion was right behind her and I flew out to meet him.

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