Page 131 of Savage Is My Kingdom

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All those dreams were over.

This wasmy fault, my fault, my fault.

But if that message got through, Torin was dead. If I didn’t undo the Reaper’s damage, there would be blood my hands, and they were already dripping.

This time, when I got to my feet, I didn’t stop moving until I was back in my room, huddled against the bed.

Nothing would ever bring Ember back. Nothing.

Tears streaked down my face, I shook and shook, rocking back and forth, crushed beneath my utter and complete failure.

I hadn’t saved my friend at all.

I’d killed her.

A hundred times over, I’d killed her. I’d brought her to Tempeste, left her there with monsters, and now…what was left of my kind, vibrant friend was rotting away in a dirty alley.

I did that to her.Me.

I never fought for her, not like she’d fought for me. I didn’t know how much time passed before my bedroom door opened, didn’t even care who’d come to check on me.

Tavion’s shiny black boots stopped in front of me, he cursed softly beneath his breath.

“The owl was too fast. He’s already across the border and heading to Tempeste. He’ll arrive before nightfall.” From the bloody gouges dug into the side of his face, he’d tried his best.

Well, hadn’t we both.

He crouched down, tilted his head before he reached out and stroked his finger down my tear drenched face. “What happened?” When I didn’t answer, he gripped my shoulder. Shook me. “Anaria, talk to me. What happened? Are you hurt? Where is Ember?”

“I failed.” My voice was nothing more than a rasp.

“What’s…all over you?” He shoved up to his feet, nostrils flaring wide. “Why do you smell like Reaper?”



Ipushed myself up to a sitting position, a dull sort of urgency taking hold. “I have to find Zorander. I’llmakehim take me to Tempeste so I can warn Torin.”

“No.” Tavion shook his head. “He can’t jump that far, not with another person in tow. And fuck knows where he is right now.”

I was so exhausted my bones ached, the sweet stench of rot thick in my nose, the sight of Ember’s decaying body playing over and over again in my head, like some never-ending loop of horror.

“Then Torin’s dead and so are the rest of us.”

“So fucking what?” I didn’t lift my head, watching his scuffed and dusty boots pace back and forth in front of me. “What do I care if Torin or anyone else in that fucking shitehole city dies?”

“What happened to you?”

He stopped moving altogether, going perfectly still, like I’d never seen a creature go still before.

Not even a pure-blooded Fae.

“Who hurt you so badly that you’d just let her die? Why do you hate the entire world?” I couldn’t stop myself, couldn’t stop the words from spilling out of my mouth. “From what I’ve heard about Julian…”

Tavion yanked me off the floor so quickly I left my breath behind. “Think very carefully Anaria, about what you say next.” His voice promised death and fear shivered through me, but I also knew this was long overdue.

I was too exhausted, and there was so much for me to lose, but Tavion and I would have this out.
