Page 150 of Savage Is My Kingdom

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“If you won’t run, then stay behind me, Anaria.”

Solok laughed when Zor stepped between us, his body battered, but his grip on the sword sure and steady.

The Axe was already healing, his shadows swirling like a vortex around him, repairing even his armor to pristine condition within seconds.

“You don’t stand a chance, general. I’m taking her back where she belongs. I’ve never failed the king before; I will not fail him now.” The Axe threw out his hand and raw power crushed Zor flat on his back, while I was dragged through the dirt, straight into Solok’s waiting arms.

Tavion was down, too heavy for us to move, he’d have to stay right where he was, but Raz…

“Stay down, Zor.Stay down.” I screamed, yanking up the magic so fast intense agony rocketed through me, stole my breath away.

There was a moment when I wondered if the power would rend me apart, bones groaning, skin stretched to its limit as starlight, as vast and empty as the universe, erupted out of me.

Then I dove down into the depths, spearing into the magic so deeply I was consumed in its glittering jaws. I allowed stardust and cold to swallow me, one soft, fleshy piece at a time, until there was nothing left of the weak, helpless slave I once was.

I became something else entirely.

Something savage, with teeth and claws, something meant for this wicked realm, a creature of star-kissed light…and devouring darkness.

This was the unmaking I’d feared, since the first time I’d touched the stolen magic, but I was not afraid, embracing everything the power offered.

Breath became unnecessary as the world reshaped itself around me, the ancient power molding me into something new, something terrible.

Something to be feared.

When my vision cleared, Solok was down—I was still on my feet.

Swaying on weak knees, but by the gods, I was up and that fucking bastard was down and for the first time in my short, powerless life, I was filled with the wrath of the Old Gods and I was going to use their dark, corrupted power to crush my enemy.

I didn’t care if I turned into a monster.

Maybe Ineededto be a monster to survive in this fucking monstrous realm, where kindness was swallowed up by evil, and anything soft died.

Then the magic turned into quicksilver, sliding like an eel through my fingers.

Horror turned my blood cold when Solok climbed slowly, deliberately to his feet, grinning while I wrestled with the slippery power, trying to form it into a weapon I could wield, instead of these vaporous, elusive shadows I couldn’t seem to grasp, no matter how desperately I tried.

“It’s is harder than it looks, isn’t it, little thief? I watched the Fae king work for millennia to tame the magic.”

He advanced, and gods help me, I backed away. “You should have spent your time learning about the power you took, instead of riding lessons.” He clicked his tongue. “Sword fighting lessons.”

He snorted. “It’s time to give back what you stole. You’ll never conquer this, you’re too weak.”

I laughed, the sound low and ugly. “You have room to talk. I know where this magic came from and who stole it in the first place. You Fae are all a bunch of fucking hypocrites, if you ask me.”

My prattling gave Zor enough time to drag Raz behind a tree, out of the direct range of my magic. And Solok’s.

The Axe cocked his eyebrow higher. “Ah, someone has been busy.” He waved his hand in the air, shadows spinning. “It matters not where the power comes from, only who possesses it.”

I grinned, tasting blood. “Right now, that would be me.”

“Not for long, little thief, not for long.”

“We’ll see.” I purred, buying myself time while the oily magic evaded me, wending through me like a dream I would never be able to grasp.

I forced my shaking body to straighten. “If I cannot have this power, I will make sure your cursed king never reclaims it.”

I would, too.
