Page 158 of Savage Is My Kingdom

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I should have been with Julian that night.

Anaria was never supposed to go to Tempeste. She was never supposed to end up on that altar, was never supposed to be in any danger at all.

We were supposed to intercept her just inside the portal and take her straight to the Shadow King in Blackcastle.

But I’d refused my brother’s request, so Julian was shorthanded the night he intercepted Solok.

My brother had lost his life and all my guilt and rage—which should have been directed at myself—was focused on an innocent girl who’d been swept up in a conspiracy far greater than anything she could have imagined.

My heart stopped beating when Anaria paused at the top of the staircase, smoothed down the front of her pale blue gown and made her way sedately down the curving staircase.

Her silver hair glowed white beneath the chandelier, she held herself like a queen, regal and aloof, her cold gaze skimming over the crowd…my skin prickling when those green eyes landed on me.

She was breathtaking.

Absolutely breathtaking. Fearless and powerful, yet…soft and kind.

Corrupted by ancient magic…yet pure of heart and soul.

While Solok gloated about Julian’s death, his hand wrapped around Anaria’s throat like a vise, hatred had turned to fear and then became something else.

Something I wasn’t prepared for.

Something that rocked me to my core.

And for the first time in a long time…I wanted totry.

“I’m sorry I’m late.” Her eyes flicked over my shoulder at the open doors, the roaring of the crowd. “I didn’t want to come today.” She admitted softly.

“You look beautiful, Anaria.” I kissed her hand, so small in mine, her velvet skin tasting like honeyed jasmine. “Did you sleep last night?”

Her nose wrinkled, trying to decide if I was making fun. Shame washed through me that she would think so little of me, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.

“Yesterday was a terrible day.” I reminded her gently, wanting to smooth the shadows from her beautiful face. “Since none of us could check on you…we worried.”

“Not much.” She admitted, warily taking the arm I offered. I tucked her against me, just to feel her close. “I spent most of it wondering what I could have done differently.” She sighed as we stepped into the throne room, the crowd quieting. “As it turns out, the list is quite long, but we’re all alive, and that’s all that matters.”

The eyes that watched us were not kind.

Their scents were ravening, and I shoved down the impulse to snarl right back.

“I want you out of the Keep by the end of today.” The words slipped out in a rush, as if I was a schoolboy, not a hardened warrior of two hundred and twenty-eight. “You should be with me, at home, where I can protect you.”

She stumbled slightly, her hand gripping my arm as she regained her balance. “I’m not living with you, Tavion. That’s ridiculous.”

We continued up the main aisle, the king glowering, the court whispering as we passed, Lyrae’s cold, dead eyes focused on Anaria with a singular attention I did not care for one bit.

“Wearemarried.” I told her, a glimmer of irritation in my tone. “It does not look…proper, you living in the Keep and not with your husband.”

“Our marriage is a sham and I am staying right where I am.” Her jaw was set and I knew from experience it would stay that way until she decided otherwise.

“Look. I appreciate how kind you were yesterday, but let’s go back to how things were. You don’t like me and I am fine with that.”

My jaw tightened. “That is not…”

“We can pretend for the king and his court and the rest of them, but do me a favor, Montgomery.” Her eyes slid to mine, and there was not an ounce of warmth in them. “Don’t play your games with me. I do not know what you are after, but leave me alone.”

I could barely see straight when I settled her into the front row, mere feet from Lyrae and Crux. “I am not pretending.” I hissed, as she put some distance between us. Lyrae’s eyes glittered, as if she measured every inch.
