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“It’s…sorry, I’m just jumpy.” I scrubbed my arms. The air was freezing and the threadbare sheath did nothing to keep me warm. My nerves were all over the place, but when the female scooted closer, I lost my breath completely.

She’d been pretty before she’d been thrown down here, which had been a very long time ago. Her thin hair was as white as mine, her face so emaciated her cheekbones stood out in gaunt relief, pale blue eyes shining from a hollowed-out skull.

“They never put anyone beside me.” Her head tilted as she considered me, her stick-thin legs folded beneath a threadbare gown. “What did you do?”

“I pissed off Solok.” I lowered myself to the floor. “And the commander of the guard.” I scrubbed my arms again, trying to warm up. “And the king.”

“You don’t look old enough to have accomplished all that.”

“Oh, I did all of that today.” I glanced outside my cage, where a low moan echoed down the corridor. The female didn’t seem to notice. “Why areyouhere?”

She blinked. “A matter of bad luck. We were poor, but of a good bloodline and I caught the eye of the wrong male.”

“Arranged marriage?”

I’d seen it often in my years as a slave, Evangeline Ravenshade would have met the same demise with Berenger, if she hadn’t been slaughtered. In Varitus, females—even ones with lady and duchess in front of their names— were only vessels for breeding and there was no escaping that sad fact, not when it was a male’s world.

“Arranged marriage granting vast lands and a water castle to my father and this sad future,” her pale hand flashed in the dark, “for me.”

I stayed quiet. The duke had sent his first wife away and a week later, the new, much-younger duchess had arrived with much pomp and circumstance in the very same carriage. I never asked questions, but I’d often wondered what happened to his first wife.

The only thing I knew for sure was if a duchess could disappear, I could disappear faster.

“Have you ever heard of a northern road to Blackcastle?” I asked quietly, scooting closer.

“Yes. It begins at the eastern gate of the city, mostly used by traders coming down from the mountains.” Thin hands wrapped around one of the bars as she pulled herself up. “Why do you want to know?”

I couldn’t take my eyes off her fingers. They were almost gone, down to the first joint, her pinky missing altogether.

“Because that’s where I’m heading, once I get out of this shitehole.” I didn’t know how, but Ember and I were leaving. I pulled my gaze away from her disfigured hand and eyed the bottom of the bed, the metal bracket holding the frame together. A tool, even a weapon, if I could pry the thing off.

“You’d need a horse.” She tilted her head, as if sizing up my abilities. “A fast one, to keep ahead of the guard.”

“Maybe they wouldn’t come after me.”

She made a noise, a bitter laugh, then shook her head. “No High Fae are permitted to leave Tempeste. It’s the law.”

“I’m not High Fae.” I muttered stubbornly. “I’m from Varitus.” I had my doubts that was true, but I’d cling to that truth until someone proved to me wrong.

“You’re a High Fae from Caladrius.” She waved her mutilated hand in the air. “Only High Fae have hair that colorandlight eyes. Everyone else is lower Fae or a hybrid, or a Caladrian.”

“Then I’ll disguise myself.”

“Your hair is one thing…” She tilted her head, her gaze narrowing the longer she stared at me. ‘Your eyes are another story. What is your name?” Her voice went so quiet I could barely hear her.


She blinked again, slower this time. “I am Adele.” She said softly, then nodded to my throat. “Your power must be fearsome if they keep that collar on you.”

“I wouldn’t know.” I folded my legs under me, arms tight to my body to stay warm. I was healed, but weak from blood loss, and this bone-deep cold might kill me.

“It’s been on me since I crossed over from Varitus.” Not technically true, but I had to form an escape plan, not relive my past mistakes.

“Did the power appear, when you broke through the ward?” She held my gaze. “Or did it take time to develop?”

“All at a once.” I admitted. “When I crossed over the portal between Varitus and Caladrius, the magic burst out of me so fast, I don’t even remember what happened.” I kept my explanation vague, trying to erase the scene of all those dead Fae guards from my memories.

Adele was quiet for so long I wondered if she’d fallen asleep, then she pulled herself up again. “Then they put the collar on you, to trap the magic.” She murmured, as if to herself. “You have to get out of this prison, Anaria, then head to Solarys, seek refuge with the Shadow King.”
