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The stunning archer’s jaw tightened more. “True enough. But to leave someone there unprotected…” His gaze drifted past me, toward the city. He was a too beautiful for words, light auburn hair pulled back to reveal his elegant ears, his hazel eyes catching the sun as he stared at the city walls.

“We have to try, Tavion.” He glanced down again, his face soft, even kind. “Even you aren’t such a cold-hearted bastard.”

I could have answered that question for him…but I didn’t.

“Five hundred soldiers stand between you and that girl.” Tavion hadn’t turned away from the fire. “You have to get through four tiers of city, the full palace guard, Solok, and the king. If you want to be a hero so badly, Tristan, be my guest.”

“Please.” I pleaded pitifully. “Ember only came to Tempeste because she was trying to help. I gave my word to protect her, and now she’s going to die.”

“Godsdamn it, Tavion.” The archer hissed, but Tavion wasn’t looking at him. He was staring straight at me, his mouth curled up in an ugly smile.

“Anyone you convince to help will die, Anaria. Even if you expend every single life here…” Tavion indicated the three males in the clearing, “they will never rescue your friend.”

I wanted to scream and rant and rave at him, at the cold, callous way he’d dismissed Em’s life as if she didn’t matter. He was right about the odds—even I saw that—but leaving her there alone…

“Fuck.” I didn’t think I’d ever hated anyone more than Tavion Montgomery in this moment.

“There. She’s smart enough to figure it out for herself. Now where are we headed, Zor? Tell me we’re taking the Northern Road to the Bridge?”

I whirled to Tavion, wishing for a split second I had all my magic back and I could blast that arrogant, know it all look off his face. But I’d overheard the cruelest people in Varitus trade barbs my entire life. If I was good at anything, it was drawing blood with a few choice words.

I set my hands on my hips and faced him with a mocking smile.

“I’m surprised you’re not in charge of this rescue mission, Tavion.”

I stepped into the little camp, closer to the fire that wasn’t a fire after all. The flames were magic and while I watched, the male with the long black hair reached out a hand and the flames evaporated, not a hint of smoke left in the air.

“I’ve been a bit busy working my way up to commander, so I could keep the king from killing you and reclaiming his power.”

“Still, one would think with such a grand title, you’d be calling the shots, not stuck on babysitting duty this past week.”

The three males swung their heads to Tavion and his Adams apple bobbed as he stared me down. “No.” His expression turned glacial. “This is not my operation.”

“And why not?” I smirked. His pride was already wounded, and I couldn’t wait to crush him beneath my pile of insults. If he wanted to verbally pummel me with no explanation, I’d return the favor.

“Because it was my brother’s operation. Hisobsession, for a hundred years.” Tavion hissed; his face so hard it could cut glass. Time in the clearing seemed to stand still, no one moving a muscle.

“So why isn’t he here?”

Tavion’s voice went so low I could hardly hear him, yet every word became etched upon my soul.

“Because you killed him ten days ago, little thief, in the woods outside the city.”



“Julian’s dead?” All the warmth in Tristan’s face drained away, replaced by the same cold rage that possessed Tavion. He scowled down at me, as if I’d somehow…

Fuck. His brother. The mercenary with the green eyes was Tavion’s brother.I wanted to vomit, my stomach roiling. Oh, my gods, no wonder he hated me.

No wonder…

“Ten days ago. Him, Vincent, and Nikolas. All dead.” Tavion swept the cape over his shoulder and stripped off his royal armor, stacking it beside the firepit. “After she killed them…”

Our eyes met, and I silently begged him not to continue. Not to repeat the words I’d so carelessly thrown in his face the other day.How could I have been such a fool?

“After Anaria killed my brother and our friends, Solok and the Mistress ate them.”

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