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I was a failure. I didn’t know how to doanything.

We raced across the burned-out fields for hours, until simmering rage replaced my shame, Zor keeping ahead of us, Tristan and Raz thundering behind. Who was Tavion Montgomery to judge me?

He didn’t know anything about me.

Didn’t know what horrors lay behind me. What still lay ahead of me.

I didn’t have many skills, but I had some and I’d better start using them, instead of waiting to see what happened to me next.

I wasn’t a slave any more.

I was a prisoner at worst, a pawn at best, but only as long as I allowed myself to be.

“Don’t let anyone take your power. Claim the magic.”

I wrapped my fingers around the pommel, pulled myself away from Tavion, let my poor, aching body adjust to the stallion’s gait, my hips rocking to match his long, even strides. I would learn how to ride. I’d watch and learn and once I learned how to do this, I’d learn the next thing.

Then the thing after that.

I wasn’t a slave anymore. I wouldn’t be a prisoner forever, either.

As far as being a pawn…I thought of Torin’s note. No, I wouldn’t be a pawn for long either. I didn’t know much about Solarys or the Shadow King, but I knew this.

I would make myself into something greater than I’d ever dreamed.

I would reach up and touch the stars and destroy anyone who tried to stop me. I would claim the magic and never, ever allow anyone to take my power away from me.

And while these preening males saw me as weak, I’d rise up and crush them beneath my heel. A thrill went through me, my body rocking in tandem to the hoofbeats, my hair streaming in the wind.

I’d never thought myself particularly vengeful, but all I wanted in that moment was to make Tavion Montgomery crawl. I shivered at the image of Tavion on his knees, while I sat upon a throne above him, my heart as cold as ice while he begged for mercy.

I held onto that image while we crossed beneath the North Gate, the towering stone arch blocking out the sky as we thundered down the road towards Blackcastle.



We’d stopped and I nearly sobbed with gratitude when Raz lay a hunk of bread, some dried meat and a half-canteen of water in front of me, telling me to eat.

The canteen was Tristan’s, from the gold filigreed design on the green-enameled case.

He must have been rich or titled.Once.

I ran my finger over the design, marveling at the number of hours required to create something this elaborate. There were empty settings where stones had once been, a sure sign he’d fallen on hard times, and when I was done, I walked over and handed it back to him with a nod of thanks.

He didn’t even look up, too busy sharpening his blade, so I carefully set it beside him. He looked up ever so slowly, a mocking smile on his face. “Waiting for a response, little thief?”

“I…uhm.No.” I backed away at the absolute contempt in his face. “I just…thank you. For considering going back for Ember.”

“Skitter back to your rock and leave me the fuck alone.” Was all he said, never pausing his work.

I waited another hour before I approached Tavion.

All of them—especially Raziel—kept close watch over me. I had no illusions they cared about my welfare. I was worth a lot of money. They’d been talking about it since we’d stopped, while I pretended to be asleep, rubbing my aching stomach every so often.

Tavion had already told me what his reward was. Money and his debts to be forgiven, whatever that meant. Tristan had been promised gold and a title, while Zorander and Raz…neither of them spilled details, but they’d both hinted something waited for them.

“I feel sick. I don’t think the meat agreed with me.” I limped painfully, only half an act since I’d been on a horse all day. “I have to throw up. And pee.” I nodded toward the pile of rocks beside us. “I’ll just go to the other side, but this might take a while.”

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