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I slipped the note beneath the enormous rug, in a far corner where no one would ever check. Then I climbed back into bed to wait for whatever came next.

Which was a horde of maids and servants that poked and prodded me until I got out of bed. This place didn’t have faelights like Tempeste, but my bathroom had something even better. The floor was warm beneath my feet and steam rose from the water in the deep tub. I sank into the tub, scrubbed off a week’s worth of dried blood and dirt, picked briars out of my hair.

At least this wasn’t all terrible.

Until I saw what they expected me to wear.

“I…uhm, no?” The dress was…scandalous, by anyone’s standards. Lace and red velvet cut to my navel; the fabric thin enough it would show every bump.

“This is what the king wants you to wear. They are waiting, my princess.” The girl’s voice shook. “You can’t miss your rescuer’s gifting ceremony. The king is holding court as we speak.”

No, I didn’t want to miss that.

I wanted to know exactly what each of them got for dragging me here. I pulled out a dark blue slip, the thing little more than two strips of fabric held together by string.

“Do you have something like…” I waved to her uniform, “that?”

I might as well have pointed a sword in her face the way she reared back. “No, my lady, this would not be appropriate for a princess.”

“Trust me, I’m no princess.” I went through the dresses again, found something that would cover more than my privates. “Just ask anyone. They’ll tell you.”

I locked myself in the bathing room and slipped the dress over my head, pulled the laces tight. My hair was a heavy silver sheath against the dark red fabric. When I looked at myself in the glass, my heart lurched. This was the color of the dress I’d chosen for Ember, the day I’d wanted her to impress the Fae King.

Gods, was she alright?

Was she…alive?

I chewed my lip. She’d been devastated when Solok taunted me about abandoning her. How I hadn’t even thought to offer myself up in her place.

Ishouldhave traded myself for her.

I should have done something. Instead, once again, I’d left her behind with my enemies, proving Solok right. I wanted to vomit.

Weighed down with guilt, I stumbled out of the bathing room and scooped up the dark blue velvet dress. The king wanted to put me on display? Fine. I’d make him regret this. The silk rippled down my body like water, hugging every curve like the dress had been painted on.

I twisted my hair into a high bun, poked in two jeweled picks—they might make handy weapons later, who knew—and swept two thick lines of kohl over my eyes, painted my lips red.

When I saw the definition of wickedness staring back at me from the glass, I went to meet my new captor, the Shadow King.



Royal court was held in an enormous throne room carved out of the inside of the mountain, the black stone flecked with so much mica, the walls sparkled like stars. The girl led me to the double doors leading to a wide aisle, where the king was little more than a speck sitting on his throne.

Like two sides of a coin, this was the opposite of the Fae King’s throne room, The Shadow King’s was black as pitch, flames roaring in iron dragons-head torches along both walls, rows of seats packed with rabid spectators.

In front of the king were a line of males paying tribute, while two others—a hulking warrior and an elegant female, both with long black hair, both in heavy armor—waited to the side, their weapons on full display.

I squinted. Seated in the front row were Tavion, Zor, Raziel and Tristan.

Waiting for their reward, no doubt. Above us, courtiers hung over the balcony, and even from here, I glimpsed money changing hands.

“I need a better view.” I muttered, spying a set of steps that led to the balcony above. “I’m going up, if you want to come, you’re more than welcome.”

She shook her head. “The king will not be pleased. He expects you to be seated with your rescuers, and then be introduced at court, as is proper, princess.” I stopped breathing altogether, waiting for the part where she told me she was teasing.

“I have no desire to be introduced at court, or anywhere else.” I started up the steps and she stayed right on my heels.
