Page 138 of Cruel Is My Court

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“What do you want?” My wounds were on fire, and I couldn’t even call up my magic. Maybe this place wouldn’t allow me to.

Maybe I didn’t have enough to wield.

Shadows writhed along every wall like a living cage of darkness, like the one that ensnared Tavion. I turned my heart to steel, bracing myself up with stubbornness and defiance. Whatever her game was, she’d force me to use whatever dredges of magic I had left.

But the magic wasn’t refilling, not like before.

Maybe my body was too exhausted.

Maybe wild magic was a finite resource and I’d burned through all of it in a day.

“Think of this as your next test. Saving the people of Tempeste.” Behind me, the Mistress chuckled.

“I decided to make this interesting and filled the woods with Howlers and Cave Weavers. Save as many as you can, little thief, and when you are finished, perhaps I will give you back the wolf.” She flicked her fingers and a gash opened up across Tavion’s abdomen, blood blooming on his linen shirt.

“Although he’s sick, and he should really die.”

My lungs emptied out. No, I wouldnotallow her to take him from me. I had to at least get him back to his father. I had to…

I couldn’t lose him.The words echoed through me like I was an empty temple and they were a bell tolling out the hours.The truth, finally.

The truth I’d fought to evade and deny and pretend didn’t exist was right there in front of me.

Tavion was right in front of me, just like he had been from the beginning. I cared about him. More than I could admit. So much it scared me.

“Hang on.” My voice came out strangled when my eyes met his, fear and pain and something even deeper shining in them. “I will come back for you.”

I turned to the Mistress, my hands curled into fists I wished I could use to pummel her bloody. “I assume you’re taking me to the forest?” I jerked my head in that general direction.

“Let’s get to it, then.”

* * *

I didn’t knowwhat a Cave Weaver was and I’d never seen a Howler—only pictures—but my insides turned to mush when the Mistress dropped me into the middle of the darkened forest, nails raking grooves in my arm.

The other one was banded across the still-bleeding gash on my side.

“I’ll have fun with the wolf while you’re away, little thief. I cannot wait to taste him.”

“I’m going to kill you the next time I see you,” I said, my heart stuttering from the force of my hatred. “Put one mark on him and my blade will be in your gut.”

I slipped off the too big boots. I wanted to say more. Wanted to taunt and goad her into doing something stupid, but…the Oracle would retaliate, and I refused to put Tavion in any more danger.

She sniffed. “You smell like prey. I hope this place shreds you apart and eats you alive.” Then she was gone, the dark forest humming with night sounds.

I wondered how far away I was from Raz and Tristan and my mother. Were they searching for us? Did they even know Tavion was gone?

Or had the Oracle taken them somewhere, too?

I didn’t have time to waste worrying about things I couldn’t control.

I had people to save.

And monsters to kill, not all of them in this forest.

I worked my feet deep into the rich soil, magic seeping up into me, slowly refilling, though I didn’t know how fast I’d recover given how badly I was cut upandstarving. A branch dipped low, brushing my cheek, plump red berries hanging at eye level.

They smelled delicious, and I reached for one then stopped. “You wouldn’t try to poison me, would you?” I asked softly, the leaves above me shivering like the entire forest was laughing. “Because I’m only here because the Oracle sent some fell beasts in here to hunt the survivors from the city.”
