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I threw my hands up desperately. “Wait, you don’t understand! I just found him here like this, I swear!” I pleaded.

But they didn’t listen. Two of them grabbed me roughly, wrenching my arms behind my back to slap on restraints, while others kept their guns trained on me. I struggled uselessly, my heart hammering against my ribs.

“Save your lies for the magistrate, human trash,” a Mondian sneered as he finished securing my wrists in the metal cuffs. “We all know your kind can’t be trusted.”

I pleaded with them that this was some kind of setup, that I was just lured here, that I didn’t hurt Jaxus.

That I wasn’t a murderer. Well, that part wasn’t true, but they didn’t know that.

They dragged me out of the alley into the winding maze of passages that made up this sector of the Under while I craned my neck, desperately trying to spot anyone who might help me, but the streets were largely deserted here.

Wait! Was that the Fanaith bartender I met when we were down here before?

I shouted frantically, but she faded back into an alleyway.

My heart sank, but I couldn’t blame her for not wanting to get involved.

I had no choice but to stumble along between the two Enforcers holding my arms in their bruising grip.

But we already reached the transit pod station and there was no more time. The Enforcers shoved me roughly into a waiting pod, their cruel, tattooed faces leering through the door windows as it slid closed.

I was sealed in, alone.

Which made no sense.

I never had a lot of interaction with the Enforcers.

They weren’t exactly encouraged company over at Conii’s.

But they used official pods. Not battered ones like this.

And they got there so fast, the body was still warm.

It just didn’t make sense. Enforcers didn’t wander around the Under, looking for crimes to prevent.

What if they weren’t preventing a crime,I wondered.What if they were there to commit one?

I strained against the metal cuffs digging into my wrists, but quickly realized it was useless. No amount of wriggling or contorting would slip them free.

Sagging back against the wall in defeat, I blinked back tears as the transit pod shot through the streets. Where were they taking me?

If my guess was correct, I wasn’t headed anywhere near Enforcer headquarters.

The dim lights in the pod cast eerie shadows, making my reflection in the window look like a frightened stranger. My heart pounded so loudly, I was certain they heard it, even outside. I took a few deep gulps of the stale, metallic air trying to clear the panic from my brain.

Think logically, Emma.

Who would try to take me like this?

I wasn’t important. Didn’t mean anything to anyone.

Except for Tazhr.

If anyone reported my ‘arrest,’ Taz would look for me at Enforcer headquarters.

That would give Conii plenty of time to hide me, to plan an even better trap for him.

Think, Emma, think!I berated myself desperately.
