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Ishrieked with laughter, clinging to Tazhr’s muscular shoulders as the ornate sled careened down the sheer icy track. My hair streamed behind us in the freezing wind, cheeks flushed crimson not just from the cold. Tazhr’s arm encircled my waist, keeping me secure against him as we hurtled around hairpin turns, the jagged snowscape a blur.

“Having fun, my mate?” Tazhr called over the roar of the wind, eyes alight with exhilaration and his typical hint of wicked mischief.

“Yes!” I cried breathlessly, tightening my grip as we plunged into a steep straightaway, acceleration pressing me back against his solid frame. I turned my face into his neck, savoring his sandalwood scent mixed with crisp ozone.

After yet another sumptuous breakfast in bed, we decided to take advantage of Suntala II’s arctic regions, eager to experience more of the planet’s diversity. Now we raced along sheer cliffs, ice-fields, and plunging ravines, the sled’s runners perfectly tuned to the slick crystalline snow. By unspoken agreement, Tazhr handled the breakneck steering while I simply enjoyed the ride.

With a final stomach-dropping descent, the tracks leveled out and our speed gradually eased. I sat back, panting and exhilarated. “That was incredible! I’ve never gone so fast!”

Tazhr chuckled. “I enjoy showing you new thrills, my treasure.” The heat in his gaze as he pulled me closer suggested he considered other energetic activities to pursue next.

I leaned into him eagerly, but a muttered curse made me pull back. “Tazhr, your hands!” I cried in alarm. During the wild ride, his grip on the icy sled runners abraded his palms nearly raw. Violet blood welled in the worst cuts. “Why didn’t you say something?”

He shrugged off my concern. “It’s nothing. I was too distracted watching your delight.” But he indulged my fussing as I examined his battered hands with gentle fingers.

“Wait here,” I insisted, hurrying off to speak with the Suntalan attendant who rented us the sleds. Moments later, I returned triumphantly bearing a medkit.

Tazhr obediently held still as I cleaned and bandaged his torn palms. His eyes smoldered, watching my ministrations. “Normally these would heal in hours,” he mused. “But the cold slows my regeneration. It seems you’ll need to care for your poor invalid husband awhile.” His exaggerated pout made me laugh.

“What a shame. However will we pass the time?” I teased, tracing a fingertip lightly along his wrist. Tazhr’s breath hitched, proving cold was no match for our passions.

Securing the last bandage, I lifted his wrapped hands and tenderly kissed each palm. “All better,” I pronounced. “Now take me somewhere warm, my love.”

Tazhr’s low growl sent delicious anticipation skittering through me. In one smooth motion, he swept me up onto his lap, the sled shooting forward once more. I nestled happily against his chest, content to go anywhere as long as we were together.

* * *

I tracedlazy patterns on Tazhr’s bare chest as we reclined together on a secluded rocky outcropping overlooking the Serene Sea. The sun sank low over the calm azure waters, limning everything in molten gold. These quiet twilight moments alone together became precious rituals during our honeymoon.

“Can we just stay here?” I murmured, nuzzling closer. The thought of departing Suntala II and returning to the chaos of Thodos III depressed me, just a bit. I wanted to cling to this blissful simplicity a little longer.

Tazhr’s arms tightened around me. “I wish we could.” His claws combed gently through my windswept hair. “But we’ve tarried long enough in paradise. Reality is calling us back.”

Though he kept his tone light, I heard the undercurrent of resolve. Tazhr was not one to shirk his duties, even in the name of love. The syndicate he pledged himself to still required his particular skills and strengths. And the allies who stood steadfast at our side deserved our loyalty in return.

Sighing, I nodded reluctantly. “You’re right. It’s time.” I lifted my head to smile at him with determined cheer. “As long as we’re together, anywhere can feel like paradise.”

Tazhr’s eyes softened, his knuckles skimming my cheek. “With you at my side, I’m prepared to face anything.” He drew me up to meet his kiss, full of promise.

We clung together as Suntala II’s small golden sun dipped below the horizon. I engraved every sensation on my heart—the lap of waves on rock, Tazhr’s skin against mine, the clean salt-air scent of his hair.

And we had one more night here. One I knew we’d never forget.

* * *

My delighted laughterrang out clear as a bell as Tazhr spun me across the polished dance floor. I thought waltzing would be beyond his capabilities, but he was a quick study. Now, he effortlessly led me through the graceful steps and turns I taught him.

“You dance divinely, Mr. Rochester,” I teased, echoing the formal manners of the period costumes we wore. We attended Suntala II’s annual Crystal Ball, and the opulent hall was decorated to evoke the elegance of old Earth.

“Only because I have the perfect partner, Mrs. Rochester,” Tazhr returned smoothly, golden eyes warm with humor. It still amazed me that he wanted to take my name. My perfect, patient mate.

I gazed adoringly up at Tazhr’s chiseled profile as the orchestra swelled into a romantic melody. In his tailored black tailcoat, golden sigils and horns, my husband was the most dashing gentleman in the room. Though we swayed in time to the lilting violins, the rest of the colorful whirling throng seemed to melt away until only the two of us existed.

When the final notes faded, Tazhr bowed gracefully over my hand. “Might I steal my beautiful bride away for some air?” Laughing, I let him lead me out to the candlelit terraced gardens. Other couples strolled nearby, but we soon found a secluded alcove framed by swaying lavender fronds.

Tazhr gathered me close, one hand pressed to the small of my back, the other tenderly cradling my jaw. “Have I told you yet how incredibly radiant you look tonight?” His molten gaze took in my pearl-studded ivory gown, painstakingly styled curls, and the ethereal veil crowning my elaborate coiffure.

I smiled up at him coyly through my lashes. “Why, Mr. Rochester, are you attempting to seduce me out here in the shadows?” My fingers drifted teasingly along his lapel.

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