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She stabs a tomato with her fork. “I didn’t say anything.”

My jaw clenches. “You didn’t have to.”

Finley clears her throat loudly. “So. Luke, Thanksgiving is in a few weeks. Are you planning on staying here for the holiday? We would love to have you. Piper and Oliver are coming for the weekend, and Archer’s friend Mason is flying in from LA, so we’ll have plenty of food.”

“I appreciate the invitation, but my family is in Corning, so I was going to head home that morning. I’ll be back the day after, though.”

“Oh, that’s only a couple of hours away. Do you have a big family?” She sprinkles parmesan on her lasagna.

I reach for the salad bowl at the same time as Taylor. She tugs and glares at me.

I roll my eyes and let her have it. She’s so childish. When will she grow up?

Luke wipes his mouth with his napkin before replying to Finley. “Big enough, my parents, grandma, and sisters, and my sister’s family.”

“How many sisters do you have?” Jake asks.


Jake lifts his fork in triumph. “I win. I have four.”

Luke purses his lips. “What do you win, exactly?”

Jake considers the question and then frowns, the fork lowering. “Trauma and annoyance, mostly.”

Taylor reaches behind Luke and smacks Jake on the back of the head.

“Hey.” He grabs her hand.

A small scuffle punctuated with giggles and laughter ensues, Luke ducking to get out of the way of their flailing hands.

“Hey, children,” Finley taps her fork against her glass. “Settle down.”

“She started it.” Jake grins and then shoves a giant bite of lasagna into his mouth.

Finley sighs, ignoring him. “Taylor, you’re staying for Thanksgiving, right?”

“Yes. I’ll be here for at least a week. I’m going to the Sasquatch Festival in Canada a couple of weeks after.”

“How long will you be there?”

One shoulder lifts in a half-shrug. “Only a few days.”

“Who’s playing at Sasquatch?” Luke asks her.

She beams at him, her body angling in his direction as she rattles off a list of indie rock bands.

I take a drink of my water and tune out their conversation, working to maintain a neutral expression.

It doesn’t bother me that Taylor is flirting with Luke. If he wanted to date her, he could. It has nothing to do with me, because I have sworn off musicians forever, and that has not changed in the past week despite the fact that Luke and I have been working closely together and the more I get to know him, the hotter he gets.

If I need any convincing, the multitude of texts that have come in from Blake Bonham over the past week are proof enough that it’s a bad idea.

I miss you.

Please call me.

How are you?
