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Unthinking, I lick my lips.

“Do you want some water?” He stands with so much speed, the breeze from his guitar gusts by my face.

“Uh, yeah. Sure. That would be good.” I can’t even speak properly, my body still reeling from . . . whatever that was.

He gives me a dimpled smile that ignites the blood in my veins. My mouth goes dry.

He cannot bring me that water fast enough.

Pull yourself together, Mindy.

He comes back with two glasses and I down half the glass in one chug.

My phone rings.

Saved by the cell.“Oh, it’s Jerry. Probably calling to confirm for this weekend.” Finally. I’ve been trying to reach him all week.

I answer the phone and stand. “Hey, thanks for returning my call. I just wanted to confirm your arrival time—”

“Mindy, I’m sorry.”

My heart sinks into my toes, unease making my stomach twist. This isn’t going to be a good call. “What are you sorry for?”

“I can’t help you with this project.” He says the words in a rush, like he’s ripping off a bandage.

And just like that, I go from happy and slightly turned on to pissed the hell off.

The walls of the cabin close in on me, blackness crowding my vision. I stalk outside onto the front porch, taking a deep breath in a vain attempt to gather some serenity into my lungs. “Jerry, you owe me. We agreed. You gave me your word.” I knew I should have gotten something in writing. He was out of town when we first spoke—he hates email and refused to do an e-sign, he’s old-school that way—and he told me he would sign the contract when he got here. We’ve worked together so many times, this is how it always goes, but he always came through. I thought I could trust him.

Besides no one else would even take my calls.

“I know. I’m really sorry. Something came up and my hands are tied. You understand?”

What I understand is that Jerry is worried about being associated with me since I’m on the naughty list. He expressed a little apprehension when I wrangled him into this, but he owes me. He’s a prima donna. He’s notoriously difficult to work with because of his perfectionism, and I hired him when others wouldn’t. He’s eccentric, but he’s talented.

And now he’s giving me the brushoff.

I take a deep breath and hold it in. I have to remain professional even though what I want to do is scream and stomp my feet and act like a toddler.

“No. I don’t understand. We had a deal, and now you’re breaking that deal.”

“Mindy, I’m sorry. Let me explain.”

Frustration pummels me. “I have to go. I have a lot of work to do.”

Before he can reply I hang up and stalk to the edge of the patio, gripping the railing and gazing out into the trees, the mountains soaring up behind them in the distance. Blood roars in my ears. Despair wraps cold arms around me.

“Are you okay?”

I spin around.

Luke leans against the door frame, his eyes penetrating.


“I’m fine.”

“That was our producer?”
