Page 60 of Some Like It Fox

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I’m sitting in public with my family, eating dinner, and trying my damnedest to ignore the fact that I’m half hard from Taylor’s not-so-subtle hint as to where we can meet up tonight.

All it took was a few words and a simple glance, and I’m hooked.

My family talks, their conversation flowing around me. Moira tells a story about their trip to the Grand Canyon, and my cousins catch us up on their college life and what they’re taking next semester.

I half pay attention, since most of my thoughts are gathering around the woman serving drinks at the bar and laughing with the customers.

It’s been three days since I’ve been inside her and I’ve thought of little else since. She’s burned herself into my brain like an earworm.

“Are you enjoying working at the camp?” Moira asks, drawing my attention back to the conversation at the table.

“Yeah. It’s been great.”

Paul takes a sip of his beer. “You don’t miss all the traveling? Seeing the world?”

“In some ways.” I guess I never shared with them how miserable I was, and how much I wanted to live in Whitby full time.

Moira pats my hand. “As long as you’re happy.”

“I am.”

We eat and talk—well, they do most of the talking—and then we head back to the house around nine.

We play a couple rounds of Clue, but I’m barely paying attention to whether it’s Colonel Mustard in the library with a candlestick or Miss Scarlet in the study with the gun.

My eyes stray to the clock every ten minutes until everyone heads to bed for the night.

I shut the door to my room and stare at the bed. The same bed Taylor was splayed out on, naked and needy. Every bit of this room has been marked by her presence. Hell, she’s marked me too.

I check the time again. I’m leaving as soon as the house settles and everyone is asleep.

My cousins are still awake, their murmured voices loud enough to penetrate the wall between our rooms.

Sylvie and Marika share the room next to mine, their childhood bedroom. I’ve always wondered if they resented me for making them share a room when they had their own before I moved in, but I’ve never asked.

I pick up an old paperback on my desk to try to distract myself, but after going over the same paragraph seven times, I give up.

An hour later, the house is silent and Veronica’s has been closed for fifteen minutes. I sneak out the front door, shutting and locking it quietly behind me before climbing into my truck and aiming it toward Veronica’s.

The parking lot is empty, except for a Camp Aria Jeep at the back of the lot.

I park next to it and jog to the front door.

It swings open before I reach for the handle.

She is a little more frazzled than she was a few hours ago. Hair wafts around her face, coming loose from her ponytail, her T-shirt is wrinkled, and there’s a stain on the hip of her jeans.

She’s perfect.

We move together. In a single breath, her arms are around my waist, her lips on mine. My fingers thread into her hair, angling her head to deepen the kiss.


She steps back, pulling me along, and I go willingly, walking inside and kicking the door shut behind me.

Taylor is tangled up in the same rush of need, her hands running down the front of my body and plucking at the button on my jeans. “I want you now,” she says against my lips.

I spin us around and push her against the wall next to the door. She lifts one leg, winding it around my leg. I fumble with her pants, managing between kisses to get them undone, and shoved down far enough to slip my hand between her legs and run my fingers across her slick heat.
